C10-95-04-02 - Pile of Criminals

For decades Crystal Spires has been blighted by the remains of a cave-in that destroyed a residential area. The cave-in was caused by unauthorised tunnelling, providing another unfortunate example of why permit are required for any expansion. With no-one willing to purchase that section of the cavern the crushed remains of buildings have been left buried beneath tons of rock.   Known colloquially as The Pile it has become home to squatters and gangs of thieves. Occasional attempts have been made to clear the area of undesirables the fallen rocks and broken buildings make the place a natural stronghold and raids on the criminals inside have resulted in the deaths of multiple soldiers. While it would undoubtably be possible to once again remove those squatters lurking in the ruins the lack of any potential purchaser has made such an attempt pointless and it would only be occupied again once the soldiers left.   Those living near the pile are used to hearing fights and shouting but on Marday evening even those long used to the sounds were disturbed by the cries of panic coming from people fleeing the area. At first the cries about a raid led many nearby residents to assume that it was a long overdue assault by the local garrison but this was dismissed when several squares arrived to investigate.   The soldiers set up a barricade to stop anyone escaping, though all the sounds from the Pile had ceased before they arrived. The soldiers remained on guard outside the pile till morning when reinforcements, including several Spikefists arrived. On entering the pile the soldiers reportedly found dozens of bodies, doors kicked in, and rooms looking like an explosion had gone off inside.   Many of those killed near the entrance appeared to have had no chance to defend themselves, and the rest seemed to have been killed with a variety of weapons. According to one soldier, the killers must have had a brutal efficiency and tlearly had no intention of allowing anyone to surrender.   Deep within the Pile the soldiers found the body of Sturn Rockhammer, a notorious criminal wanted for any number of crimes. While it will be a relief to many that such a dangerous man is no longer among us, there is as yet no clue as to the identity of the attackers. Members of the Spikefists are concerned that this may indicate a new and highly dangerous gang is attempting to move into Crystal Spires. All citizens are warned to be on their guard and to report anything suspicious to the nearest soldier or guardpost.
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Cover image: Under the stone by Tanai Cuinsear


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