C10-95-3-24 - Repeat of Dual Invasion

Over the last week army scouts have observed disturbing movements in the human-led Kingdom of Caresnas. Soldiers normally stationed in their major towns have been seen travelling north, bringing with them large amounts of supplies and what may be siege equipment. Initially it was thought that this was due to some local dispute but the arrival of a messenger bearing unreasonable demands have confirmed that their target is the Halls.   General Stonesmith has long feared this would happen after the negligence former General Steelfist showed towards the south. Since taking over the new General has been bolstering the key defence of Varbeck’s Walls, despite the limited time he has had to make changes and improvements to defend our home, General Stonesmith has declared that he is confident that our forces can repel any attacks from the humans.   Unfortunately the humans are not the only foe our forces will have to deal with. Further encroachments on Magrannor lands by greenskin forces mean that the Halls may once again a reapeat of The Dual Invasion from the north and south. While not possible to prove at this point, the timing of these attacks seems close enough to suggest coordination between the surface dwellers.   As a precaution General Stonesmith has requested and gained approval for a full lockdown of the outer gates. From first lates on the surface the gates of Varbeck’s Walls will be closed and only official traffic will be permitted to pass through the surface gate. While this may prove inconvenient to some, the General’s first priority is the protection of the people of Khezdur and he has warned that this may turn into a protracted siege.
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Cover image: Under the stone by Tanai Cuinsear


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