Duby Bread

An easily prepared food made from powdered mushroom.   To make this bread the powdered mushrooms are mixed with water and then cooked in a pan, The mixture puffs up into a relatively soft bread, with a hard outer layer. Once cracked open the bread is earier to eat than regular travel bread and if the outer crust is left intact the inside will be good to eat for several days.   Things cooked into the bread as it is puffing up also seem to be preserved which experienced travellers use to preserve fruit or meat a bit longer.


The basic recipe for panbread has been around for so long that it's origins have long since been lost. Popular amongst those without much in the way of coin, it is filling and gives enough energy to keep you going. The problem is that it starts to become inedible after only a few hours. Nowhere near enough time for a miner who doesn't have the time to make a fresh match each time they get a break.   A solution to this problem was found by Duby McDougan. After waking up from a evening spent drinking with a group of McArbeks he found he had tried to make himself panbread during the night. It still seemed edible which was strange since he was fairly sure he had been asleep for more than a few hours. It didn't taste great, but it wasn't disintegrating in his fingers so Duby spent some time trying to work out what he had added.   A few weeks later Duby had the answer. Redstalk. Excited by this discovery Duby ran around telling everyone he could about this amazing discover. Most took a lot of convincing that adding the bitter Redstalk was a good idea and Duby had to organise bread watches to show people how long his recipe could last for.   The recipe was adopted by many mining families, each of whom developed their own family variation. Duby then realised that he could have made some money from this and strated looking for someone he could sell either bread or the recipe to. He hit on the idea of selling the mixed mushroom powders to travellers as an alternative to the more usual hard biscuits.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Raw materials & Components
3 different kinds of powdered mushroom are mixed together to make this bread. The proportions don't have to be exact and some prefer to deliberately veer away from the standard recipe. The standard proportions are:
  • Hesselump 1/2.
  • Liverwhite 1/4.
  • Redstalk 1/4.
Hesselump provides the main nutritional benefit while Liverwhite helps it tates like something other than damp sawdust. Redstalk helps keep the cook bread in an edible condition for longer, but makes it more bitter.   Many travellers just buy pre-mixed pouches of powder, but those expecting variable conditions may buy the powdered mushroom separately to give themselves a few more options.   The traditional recipe in Khezdur is to mix the powders with ale before cooking, but travellers usually make do with mixing it with water.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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Aug 22, 2024 02:12 by Glen

I hadn't thought of using the sidebar for a recipe. Nice. I'll need to remember to do that for my crafted items.