End of Time

Once regarded as one of the most reliable indications that there is an end of the world this prophecy has been delivered multiple times, in different languages by those who had no apparent way of knowing about other versions of the prophecy. Some still think it may come to pass but others are convinced that it is actually another prophecy about the Days of the One.


According to this prophecy there will be a mighty war between the forces of life and death. The world will be drawn into this war between deities and fiends and every person will be forced to choose a side
When isn't there a war going on and aren't we always involved?
Holy fire wil set whole forests blaze and infernal flames will boil the seas. The radiant hosts will descend on wings of light and lighning to scourge the wicked. The sun will blaze with newfound heat to burn away the darkness.
Did someone let those clerics at this seer?
Climbing from the abyss the fiends will bring the cold of despair to freeze their foes in their tracks. Behind them the wails of the fallen will be carried on winds that tear all assunder.
Bit indiscriminate so far. Isn't there ment to be a believe me and you are saved?
  The prophecy contines through several more lines of generic world ending catastrophies (moon falling, land torn assunder) before getting into more specifics.  
The city of the sun, the radiant beacon, will be consumed, feeding the powers of death and decay. It's remains briefly becoming a memorial to the whims of fate
Didn't this one happen already?
Only death emerges the victor as the clashing powers shake the world with their conflict. The dead rise to embrace the living as the conflicting forces send their last great champions to battle but it is already too late. The world has no more future.
Debrae and whatshisface, you know, the bad one
It begins on the first day of the first month of the first year. After the elements have had their say and radiance retreats into memory. That day shall be the first of the eight, and Lutheliar, herald of the end, will cross the sky
That doesn't line up, that combination didn't happen then. Must check my sums


Several variations have emerged since the initial batch of prophecies. For most the variation is only in the ending, where one side emerges triumphant. Others try to play down the destructive power of both sides in the conflict that will end the world, seeking to lay the blame on only one party.
Ignoring the descriptions of the damage done to the world most diviners agree that the later parts could indicate the period when Oliver ascended to be a deity and cut the other world off from the outer planes. He gained a power boost by killing the people of Shaon, the head quarters of the worship of , and the two champions could be Debrae of Leith and Fabrin Mullholl who were granted divine/fiendish power just before the planes were cut off. Without proper training it is more than likely that an amateur seer could mistake the cutting off of the planes and the resulting severing of magic as the end of the world.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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