To those still asleep,
Some of you are probably angry or confused about what we have done. That is because you have not yet come to realise that what we have done is for your own good. The deities that you worship no longer serve any useful purpose. The rituals they demand of you are there purely to bolster their feelings of superiority by forcing you to abase yourselves before them. The structures you go to worship in were created to inflate the egos of the deities' intermediaries. Intermediaries who do no more than borrow another's power so that they can arrogate themselves over others. And what do they offer in exchange for demanding your loyalty, respect, and coin? Nothing but platitudes or promises that after you die you'll enter eternal servitude with even less choice than you have now.
We have removed some of these needless things so that you have the opportunity to see that you do not need them. Look around you. There are people living here and now far more deserving of respect than some distant power. You can spend coin on more useful things than then the upkeep of a building you rarely see the inside of and only serves as a place to pointlessly abase yourself. You can give your loyalty to other people with far greater certainty that they will respect and return it than if you give it to a deity or those who serve them.
The deities may have power but so do you. Every person has the potential to become something greater as we all share one power that the deities do not - the ability to grow and learn. Look at any religious text and you will see that the deities are static, unchanging, stuck in the same patterns that they have followed for millenia. Then look at yourself. Are you the same as you were 5 years ago, a year ago, even a day ago? Of course not, you have learned from the yesterday and all the yesterdays before that, growing and improving. This ability to constantly improve is why the deities try to keep us constrained. They are scared of what we might become when we all wake up and realise that we no longer need them.
You can help help make their fears a reality. Throw away the blindfold the churches have used to keep you asleeo, ignorant of your potential. Wake up and see the opportunities that await those willing to stand on their own rather than begging for aid from a distant being.
Those Awakened to Our True Potential.