Life and the great beyond
The meaning of life according to the Church of Seyr.
Life exists to live. A simple statement but what does it mean to live. Can one be considered to be living if they merely exist from day to day? Is living just a matter of breathing or is there more to it? Of course there is more to it, we are not here merely to make it to the next day. Under the guidance of Seyr we have an obligation to live the right way so that we can ensure the world moves more fully into the light and ultimately reaches a point where the darkness is vanquished forever.
A typically human view. It's amazing how these shortsighted beings can persuade themselves that the forces of destruction can be defeated. Do they have no idea of the consequences
The world around you shows how well we are all doing. When the weather is pleasant and moderate, when the harvest is bountiful and the winter mild, these are the times when we can see how much closer we are getting to the peaceful radiance of everylasting light. When earth shakes, or storms crash through your crops this is a sign that people are not behaving as they should and that the fiends are better able to exert their influence to bring misery to the world.
As you can see the humans have little understanding of the planes, let olone the cycle of elements. They use this sort of message to enable crackdowns on the populace whenever there is bad weather
Commentary by Huriel Silverflow, lead scholar in Fleeting studies.
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It seems to be a feature of the human religions that they try to over promote the focus of their worship. This scholar would not contest that Seyr can be a positive force, but to completely ignore the role Merial plays in dealing with the dead is just going to lead to disappointment amongst the faithful when the promised messenger doesn't arrive
The best part of this article is the commentary and the alternate view it presents. This makes it evident that there is a powerful conflict in your world on many levels.