Memorial Dolls

A tradition of creating small dolls to commemorate those who have been lost.


This tradition grew out of the need for the seeking souls to travel lightly and still have a way to remember those they have lost. When they first fled Lephia many mementos were left behind, and the intricately carved headstones that had once been a focal point for grieving families were destroyed by the Abyssal Storms.   In an effort to distract themselves from their own grief some of the gnomes began creating likenesses of the fallen for their friends and family. These early dolls were said to have drawn in the souls of those who had gone and gave them a place to inhabit while they said their final goodbyes. An ongoing tradition grew out of this that has been carried on with almost religious dedication by the seeking souls for millennia.


When someone passes on the friends of the immediate family conjure a small doll that looks like the deceased. These dolls do not last long so the friends take turns in periodically creating a new one. Delivering the new doll provides an excuse to check on the bereaved family and lets the giver see how they react to the doll.   The regular delivery of a new doll typically continues for several weeks until it is felt by the community that the spirit of the departed has had enough time to inhabit the doll and say their goodbyes. Once this period has passed the family will be helped to craft a more permanent doll.  
During the crafting of the permanent doll, which can take weeks or months depending on rigours of travel, the family are encouraged to talk about the deceased, to talk about what they loved in life and which of their dreams could still be fulfilled by their descendants. It isn't uncommon for the dolls to be damaged or destroyed during this period, but that just means that the process needs to restart.
The bodies of the dolls tend to be made in a common style, with only the hair and head being uniquely identifiable as the recently deceased.
  When the doll is complete it becomes a part of the family collection, travelling with them wherever they go. It is customary for the family to talk to the dolls on a regular basis and introduce new members of the family to their predecessors.
Familiar clothing
The clothes made for a doll are typically quite generic, reflecting what most people in the community wear though occasionally an extra splash of colour in the form of a unique belt or scarf that the deceased was well known for may be included. A supply of such outfits is kept ready in case of urgent need or to replace those worn by the older dolls.  
The dolls
Each doll is about four inches high with a simple wooden body. They are clothed in whatever the common form of dress is for the family. The head of each doll is a unique work of art, shaped into a detail likeness of the deceased (or at least of the deceased as the family wish to remember them).
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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Aug 19, 2024 23:44 by Deleyna Marr

Conjuring a doll? I'm so curious as to what goes into this. There's a lot of richness hinted at in this article.
