Monastery of Death

More properly, the Monastery of the Guides to the Final Embrace, this structure is home to the militant order which serves the Church of Merial.

Purpose / Function

This monastery was built to serve as a training ground and refuge for members of the Final Embrace. Within it's walls members of the order learn the skills they need to find and defeat those who violate Merial's rules about life and death.   Here the Final Embrace can also set aside the distractions of the world and come to terms with their Mistress' commands or the things they are forced to witness in the course of their duties.


Built of brick and stone, with a slate roof, the monastery is designed to be functional rather than visually appealing. The chapel devoted to Merial would be considered austere even compared to those in towns.   In some ways though the design of the building might be considered luxurious. Each monk has their own cell, there are several communal areas with good sized fireplaces, and both indoor and outdoor spaces for training.


Located around 20 miles from Bellcross the monastery is protected from large scale threats by the armies of the Kingdom of Caresnas. It's more obvious defences such as the walls which surround it are designed to create a feeling of separation from the world, and to deter raiders who might make the mistake of attacking.   The true defences are less obvious, being mystical in origin. These defences are designed to keep out small groups, and most especially the undead as the members of the order that reside here stand at the forefront of the quiet war against those who plague the world afte death.


The monastery was constructed by the Kingdom of Caresnas for Tethilla. A member of the twelve, and seemingly very long lived, Tethilla provided the designs for the structure which would become her home and the place she would train the members of the Final Embrace.   It has been attacked several times by those who misunderstand the purpose of the Final Embrace, as well as by those who understand only too well. Some have questioned the sense of providing a place which serves as a focus for people's fear of the servant of the lady of death, but it does at least serve to protect individuals as efforts tend to be spent on ways of attacking the monastery rather than finding members of the order.
Alternative Names
Monastery of the Guides to the Final Embrace
Owning Organization
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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