
(a.k.a. Bloody Fur)

The spirit of a shifter who once terrorised the city of Trem

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In life Mulligain was a shifter who worked on the docks of Trem. A man of few words he worked hard loading and cargo and took great pains to avoid landing in trouble. Though considered boring and too much of a stick in the mud by his peers his work ethic meant he was rarely without employment.   However, beneath the staid exterior Mulligain harboured a dark secret. From an early age Mulligain had been taught the practices of a demon cult by his father, though it was a little unclear as to what demon they were calling on. Whatever fiend it was, Mulligain revelled in killing in it's honour, finding victims around the docks who were unlikely to missed.  
With each kill Mulligain would paint symbols on his body using the victim's blood before drawing more symbols on the ground or walls. He had no idea what any of the symbols meant but it was what he had been taught to do. A few unintelligible syllables completed the ritual after which Mulligain would clean the blood from the area and dispose of the body in the river. Once he had cleaned himself up he would head home, ready to become the quiet, hard worker he was best known as.
When Mulligain's father began to question the sense of what they were doing, Mulligain did as he had been taught - remove anything that might prove an obstacle to you performing the tires
  Mulligain spent years killing almost undetected, but over time his continued success made him careless. A few symbols left at one of the murder sites alerted the authorities to his activities and they were swift to request aid from the capital. Unaware that a skilled group of hunters were on his trail Mulligan's carelessness continued. A poor choice of location, and a lack of awareness on his part, meant that one of Mulligain's murders was witnessed.   Now with a description to go off, the hunters sent from the capital were able to track Mulligain down in a couple of days. When confronted at the docks Mulligain chose to fight rather than be arrested. One of the hunters was killed and several more injured in the struggle but eventually Mulligain was slain with his body falling into the river.   Details of the murders and the resolution of the matter were then made public through the local newssheets and even in the Filishar Times. But as it turned out the matter was not resolved.   Some weeks after Mulligain's death reports emerged about a spectral figure, resembling a shifter with golden fur appearing near the docks. This was dismissed at first as the wild imaginings of those who had read about the murders, but when a trusted officer made a similar report the authorities began to take it more seriously. Guards were set to watching the docks for the spectre, however for the first few nights nothing unusual was reported. On the third night of the enhanced watch one of the guards noticed a colleague sneaking off. Curious she followed and caught up with him in time to see him dipping his fingers in the blood of someone he had clearly just killed, and using the blood to paint symbols on the ground.   The murderous guard was taken into custody, and though he later claimed to have no memory of his actions he was sentenced to death. Before this sentence could carried out more reports came in of similar murders in and around the docks area. In each case the murderer claimed to have come to their senses next to a corpse with blood on their hands, and usually a sizeable number of witnesses to their crimes. Each described seeing a shimmering figure before they blacked out and the authorities decided this was a matter for the churches.   Help was requested from the Church of Seyr who sent out their own specialists in dealing with unquiet spirits. These specialists confirmed that the murders were in fact the work of the spirit of Mulligain who was taking possssion of people and using them to commit his murders. Unfortunately, the lack of a body made getting rid of the spirit difficult, especially since it seemed unlikely to want to move on voluntarily. Though wincing at the expense, the authorites agreed to a request from the seyrians to build a room to contain the spirit. Mulligain was eventually lured into the room and sealed inside with holy wards.   Mulligain remains trapped to this day, screaming in near constant rage. Guides of Seyr visit on a regular basis in an attempt to learn more of the spells used by Mulligain to tie himself to the world, or at least a hint of who his patron might be. In both cases he has been either unwilling or perhaps unable to answer.
To date no-one has been able to determine which dark entity Mulligain worshipped. Since he himself did not know, questioning has proved useless on this matter. The rites he used appeared demonic in origin, though that doesn't narrow the list of candidates by much. What is certain is that the rituals Mulligain performed contained a certain amount of power, even if he didn't understand their purpose. The symbols he drew on the ground and himself helped to tie his spirit to the docks in Trem, and thankfully also kept him contained within that area. It is likely that the power of this spirit would have been much greater if he had been able to continue his spree, and the murders committed by those Mulligain possessed certainly increased his power.   It is hoped that the power of the rites Mulligain conducted will fade with time, forcing his spirit to move on. If not then seyrians will be forced to keep an eternal watch over his confinement.
Current Status
Sealed in a chamber beneath Trem
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden Fur
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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