Niltun Shelter

Located in the Olion Hills, Niltun shelter was built in an abandoned mine.  
Olion Hills


When people first entered Niltun shelter is was under the direct control of the local lord. The shelter had been built for the express purpose of ensuring his survival and that of enough of his subjects to start over once the years of darkness ended. A range of functionaries ensured the lord's orders were passed on to the commoners and that order was maintained.   However, around 50 years before the end of the years of darkness there was a rebellion that led to the overthrough of the lord and the election of a council. The shelter was then run on a democratic basis until the survivors emerged and reclaimed Chirin-on-Dimar.


Niltun was constructed underground to reduce the avenues for attack and to hopefully avoid detection. When roving packs of demons did come across the tunnels leading to the shelter they were confronting by a confusing maze which led many of them to conclude there was nothing of interest there. Those that did make it through the maze were confronted by heavy stone doors guarded by the Warforged who had been created solely to defend the shelter. Led by the first Warforged, Stonewall, these artificial creatures fought night and day to destroy any demons that threatened the shelter with discovery.   Most of available resources had been spent on creating the warforged so there were few mystical protections on the shelter beyong simple spells to block scrying. This proved a wise choice as the warforged proved mroe effective at holding back the fiends than the magical barriers which failed to protect many other shelters.


Niltun was constructed near an underground river which provided several benefits for the community. It meant a barely adequete supply of water was available for drinking and washing, provided a way of disposing of waste, and even a simple mill was powered by a diverted stream. With the river used for so many purposes there were strict controls and harsh punishments around where different activities took place.   Several caves were devoted to the growing of food and others were devoted to various crafts. The tunnels linking each section were treated as akin to roads, requiring maintenance to keep them level and free of debris, and the supports in good condition.   One of the more unusual caves was the scavenger cavern. Reusing goods, eking out whatever life was left in an item before it was disposed of was nothing new to the people in Niltun, that had been the way of life long before the shelter. But having a business devoted to making use of things everyone else had given up on was something new. This cave was outfitted with a number of large tools firmly attahed to the floor which were used to help gradually pull apart furniture and smaller tools which might otherwise have been broken to reclaim some of the parts.
Underground / Vault
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Life in the shelter and the exploits of the warforged in protecting are both popular subjects for stories in Chirin such as 220 / 05 / 23 - Stonewall, Defender of Chirin.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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