Notice of Intervention

A letter sent to the rulers of the lands and powerful group in Kaara demanding that they cooperate in order to end teh Necromancer War.

Historical Details


At the end of The First Age the Necromancer War had continued for several years with no end in sight. Despite the destruction of most of the Holy Kingdom of Caresnas and hundreds of thousands having been slain and made into undead soldiers the rulers of the surviving nations seemed incapable of finding a way to work together. More effort was being spent by the leaders of each land on trying to gain an advantage over their neighbours or rivals than on trying to win the war.   Attempts at diplomacy by those less concerned with their own ambitions had fallen on deaf ears so a collective of like minded groups decided on a different approach.


The groups that came together included several prominant mages, the three largest religious orders of the knights (Order of the Shield, Order of the Rod, and the Order of the Sword), and the remains of the leadership of Caresnas. Early on it was agreed that since the rulers of various lands couldn't be persuaded to act in the peoples' interests it was time to use more force methods.  
To the Monarchs, Ladies and Lords, Governors and other fools who play at ruling the nations under currently threat we offer this warning and demand for action.
  A letter was to be sent to each of those who had failed to cooperate so far, laying out the situation and demanding that they take appropriate action.  
In case it has escaped your notice a vast army of undead monstrousities has invaded the continent and is in the process of dismantling civilisation as we know it.
  Once the basic approach for bringing the rules in line had been agreed the mages were tasked with reaching out to their colleagues to get them on board and to gather information on the assorted rulers. In addition to building up the collective's power base this also allowed them to tailor each letter to include the impacts of the war that were most likely to sway the reader.   Despite a great deal of reluctance from the Order of the Shield threats were also to be included in the letters. However, it was agreed that only the mages would then sign letter so as to focus any anger outside of what would hopefully become the chain of command.  
You are instructed to cease all hostilities with your neighbours and to instruct the commanders of your forces to obey the instructions of the Order of the Sword, who have agreed to assume the role of leaders of the unified forces
  Appeals to enlightened self-interest and the threat to their people and lands had failed to move many of the rulers so the threats issueds by the wizards were targeted towards the rulers themselves and their families. While expediant and undoubtedly necessary it made the mages any number of enemies.

Public Reaction

Those who received the letters reacted in several different ways. Some were relieved that someone was taking action and gladly joined what was to become known as the grand alliance. Others were less willing to join but felt forced by the wizards' threats. A few stubbornly refused to cooperate and the collective was forced to make good their threats. Treasuries were ransacked, family members abuducted, and a few messy murders were arranged, all in the name of the greater good.   At the time the wider public was unaware that the grand alliance had been forcibly formed, believing that their rulers had come together in common interest. The collective was in no hurry to dissuade them of this notion as it helped shield them from any backlash for their actions. It was only after a couple of centuries that the truth became more widely known and copies of the letter were unearthed and shared with historians.
Rival Orders
Despite their agreement that cooperation was necessary to survival it was widely recognised that the two most powerful knightly orders would never accept taking orders from the other. In order to allow for a less fractious chain of command the less influential Order of the Sword was brought in to act as an intermediary. The fact that the age old rivals of the Shield and the Rod were cooperating made quite an impression on many nobles who hadn't previously realised the seriousness of the situation.
Text, Letter
Authoring Date
8 Armin 2614 of the Age of Strife
Notice of Intervention sent
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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