Olivia Renkart

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A child of the wealthy Renkart family, Olivia had a priviledged upbringing, Her education started early with a succession of talented tutors brought in to teach her about a range of subjects. However, in keeping with the family's doctrine, these lessons only continued on the subjects she showed talent in. Outside of formal lessons the family made sure Olivia was Olivia learned about the ruthlessness and competitiveness that had helped them became one of the leading trading groups in Carenas.   Olivia showed natural talent in the skills her uncle, the family head, was looking for in his successor and from her early teens she began accompanying him to learn more about the family's varied interests.   By the time Olivia reached her twenties she was acknowledged as the deputy leader of the Renkart trading company representing them in negotiations and even at court. It was during this period that she first came into contact with Alwin Millerson who was to be her nemesis for many years.   The family were preparing to install Olivia as the new head of the Renkart trading company when her personality changed overnight. She went from being the ruthless negotiator they all admired (and just about tolerated) to a bleeding heart who seemed more concerned with the wellfare of others than making a profit for the family. Needless to say she was disowned by the Renkarts and turned out of the family home.   Having never fully trusted the rest of the Renkarts, Olivia had made sure to set aside enough coin to be able to live independently if they turned against her. This wasn't quite how she had imagined it, but she was at least prepared. The Millerson’s had shown for years that a more collobarative way of trading could work, but Olivia decided to take a completely new path. Rather than engaging in trade again she turned her hand to philanthropy and set up the Settling Hand. She was joined in this effort by former adversary, Alwin MIllerson who lent his influence towards encouraging the wealthy of Caresnas to donate to Olivia's chosen cause.

Morality & Philosophy

Before the change in her personaility that heralded her expulsion from the Renkart family Olivia followed her family philosophy to the letter. Everything was about maximising profit. Empathy was a weakness, demanding exploitative terms was a given. If employees didn't fear you then you weren;t being harsh enough.   The total shift following Olivia's change of heart lent credence to the opinion that it was caused by some sort of spell or curse. Concern for others was her new priority, though empathy did not necessarily become a strength. A lifetime considering others her inferiors still affected her thinking, and despite now wanting to do the best for others, it was based on what she believed what was best for them, not what they thought they needed.
Light brown, narrow
Shoulder length, Brown
Aligned Organization
Change of Heart
A popular story about Olivia's change of attitude is that it was a curse aimed at Alwin that ended up backfiring. The story describes how she made a deal with Traylin that didn't end up as she expected.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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Aug 6, 2024 02:44 by Shalyn

I really really loved this. :) I think it would be fun to see more about her relationship with Alwin. Thank you for the interesting read!

Aug 12, 2024 10:13 by Tanai Cuinsear

I’m half way tempted to write a bit more on those two’s interactions, but will have to wait till the next time the players visit the region.