
Basic Information


These squat 4 legged amphibions have large bulbous eyes atop a wide hide. Their thick skin can appear to be dotted with warts but has in fact been carved away by the storms that frequently batter Lephia.   Their wide legs allow them to move in a slow crawl and they take great care with each step, testing that the ground ahead can take their weight before attempting to move forward. Much of this weight comes from their hide which has a density akin to rock.   While the hide of these toads has alwasy been fairly tough, it gained additional resilience after the start of the Abyssal Storms. Only the toughest of the toads were able to withstand the sheer force of the wind and over the centuries they appear to have absorbed some of the energy from the storms, making them highly resistance to the life draining effects of the winds.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rocktoads spawn in the pools and swampland across Lephia. The toads will invariably avoid using water that another toad is already making use of, which has led to the residents of Lephia making use of false spawn to protect key areas.   The tadpoles that emerge are mostly vegetarian and can decimate the plant life in an area. The one exception to their plant based diet is each other. If two tadpoles go after the same bit of plant matter they will fight and one will most likely consume the other. Those wishing to limit the destruction of plant life have found some success in creating a barrier around the spawn which forces the tadpoles to attack each other, limiting their numbers before they break free.   Sufficiently well fed tadpoles will start to transform after about a month, developing first back then front legs, and gradually losing their tails. The species' cannibalism reaches new heights at this point in their development with maybe only one or two survivng to become adult toads. The nutrients from their devoured kin help the toads develop the initial layers of their tough hides which are essential to their later survival.   Rock toads continue to grow throughout their lives, with size being a good indicator of their age.

Dietary Needs and Habits

In their adult form these toads are canivorous. Their slow speed makes them inept hunters so they rely on ambushing their prey. Their mottled skin helps to camoflage them and their manner of walking helps to keep noise to a minimum. Their favourite tactic is to lurk near where they are sure prey will be, before striking with their long longue. The tongue is the one part of these creatures that can be said to move quickly, able to strike more quickly than a hawk diving to catch it's prey.   For the most part these creatures prefer to target smaller animals such as birds or rodents, but if they are hungry or riled up they will attack anything not too much bigger than themselves. Fortunately for most larger animals the toads do not seem inclined to cooperate when attacking their prey which limits what the toads can attack.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Rocktoad hide is a key component in reinforcing the shelters that residents of Lephia use to protect themselves from the abyssal storms. It is used as an outer layer around doorways or any other areas which are not protected by a thick layer of rock.   Harvesting the hides is not an easy task as many of the residents of Lephia are of a size that the toads would consider a meal, and trying to kill the creatures without damaging the hides is fraught with difficulty.
50 years
Average Height
Average Length
Geographic Distribution
Although rocktoads generally don't live more than 50 years there are rumours about some that have survived for centuries, growing over the entire period. These Toad Kings are said to reside near the centre of Lephia, in and around the gouge and are reputed to be large enough to swallow a human sized creature in a single gulp.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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Aug 7, 2024 02:15 by Aaron Burr

Really enjoy the article! I get the picture in my mind of the Oggdo toad from Jedi: Survivor. I always like seeing how wildlife evolves to resist natural or magical phenomena. It is also super interesting to see how the denizens of this land use their hide as protective coating on their buildings. I wonder, could people in this world harvest the hide before the toad is full grown to avoid risk? Or is the hide not matured enough to work well until the toad is full grown?

“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.” — Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos   My current project: Elturia
Aug 12, 2024 10:11 by Tanai Cuinsear

That’s the sort of thing I had in mind while writing this one. I’m sure my players will come up with the idea of hunting a younger toad when they get a quest to collect some hide, so the answer to whether it works as well will be. Answered then.

Aug 13, 2024 03:22 by Aaron Burr

I definitely get that. Got to leave places for players to mess with things!

“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.” — Robert Jordan, Lord of Chaos   My current project: Elturia