
A tavern well known as being the place to hire mercenaries or various specialists.

Purpose / Function

Sullivan's is known as the place to go if you need mercenaries of various forms. The owner, Sullivan Keeper, is a genius at finding the right person for a job, and is extremely good at not hearing things. Regardless of the job, he always charges the mercenaries 1% of their pay. The only thing that may change is whether they have to pay it before or after the job. Sullivan's operates under a strict no weapons policy, and patrons are expected to take any fights outside or risk a ban. Since the better paying jobs tend to flow through the tavern, this threat tends to have a calming influence.


Unlike many taverns, Sullivan's has relatively little open space apart from near the bar. Instead there are a number of booths separated by wood and layers of cloth to muffle sound. The booths can be reserved for a few hours for a couple of coppers, otherwise it's whoever was sitting there first. The basement holds the negotiation room, where the most delicate of jobs are discussed. Thick stone walls, a pair of cork lined doors, and a spell against magical eavesdropping make it near impossible to hear what is discussed inside. According to Sullivan the room cost a fortune to create, but has paid him back tenfold.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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