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Syfilea (sey-fe-lee)

Syfilea inhabit the ancient Weeping Willow Tree Groves on The Golden Isles of Tres Tiris. They are found to be flitting and flying about the boughs of the ancient trees or relaxing on the edges of the swamps and inhabiting the area.   Their species is small in number and they prefer to remain close to the willow groves on the islands. They are slow to repopulate and have no contact with creatures outside of the Isles. They have developed a close kinship with the grove of Druids that also inhabit the Isles. Shrouded by the protection of the beloved druids and the ancient willows, they maintain a certain innocence.

Basic Information


An adult Syfilea stands about 6 inches tall. They have 2 slender legs with tiny human like feet, in which they can walk upright. They also have 4 arms with tiny, human-like hands on each. Their bodies are long and slender and are made up of an exoskeleton type structure. The color of their exoskeleton varies from one Syfilea to the next in soft hues found in nature (greens, browns, beiges and sometimes even subtle lavenders, pinks and blues). Their faces strongly resemble that of humanoids with small, delicate features. Their eyes, however are large and dark. They have two sets of elongated, translucent wings that radiate luminously in different hues, depending on their mood.

Genetics and Reproduction

The female Syfilea incubates her fertilized larvae for a period of 30 days in midsummer. When they carry their larvae internally, they emit an ethereal glow generated by the life and magic within the larvae. Most Syfilea will only have one offspring in their entire lifetime, rarely having any more. The larvae are deposited in the boughs of ancient weeping willow trees, where she continues to nurture and care for her baby over the next year. Once the larvae are mature enough, they are cocooned by their mothers in gossamer and nectar where they will spend the next few years of life.

Ecology and Habitats

The Syfilea are dependent on ancient weeping willow trees for reproduction, thus repopulation and their ultimate survival. Willow trees are known to thwart evil spirits and are the only place the Syfilea feel safe enough to nurture their larvae. The swamps in which the willow trees grow are unihabitable by many humanoids and creatures, providing a protected environment for the fragile reproduction of the Syfilea.


The Syfilea understand how delicate life is due to their small population and arduous reproduction cycle. They fiercely protect one another, their home and their offspring. They shy away from those they do not know and they do not trust easily. They, however, are playful, witty creatures. They love to play jokes, pull pranks and create mischief whenever opportunity arises. Befriending a Syfilea often means one is sure to find their shoe laces tied together, furniture magically fastened to their ceiling or their wine replaced with vinegar.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are known only to inhabit The Golden Isles.

Average Intelligence

They are highly intelligent, quick-witted and with a mischievous sense of humor.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have an incredible sense of the world around them. Their vision is sharp and near perfect. They do struggle in extreme light and dark. Their hearing is their strength. They have the ability to hear the softest of whispers even miles away. Where their vision fails them they rely on sonar, sending out signals that are imperceivable to most creatures. They are strong, swift flyers and they rely heavily on their sonar abilities while in flight.  They also possess ancient magic that is housed in their wings. With a flit of their wings, anything is possible.
150 years
Conservation Status
Syfilea are only known to exist only on The Golden Isles of Tres Tiris. The druids of the Golden Isles greatly revere and devotely protect the Syfilea. Every summer the druids host a month long festival in conjunction with the Syfilea life cycle, celebrating new life and new beginnings.
Average Height
6 inches tall
Average Weight
6 oz
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Soft, natural hues.  Although some do possess shades of muted pinks, lavenders and blues.

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