Kairen Moon Character in Tristerras | World Anvil
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Kairen Moon

Kairen Moon

Kairen grew up picking for her own on her mother's ship before she was kidnapped by pirate raiders in exchange for sparing her mother's research. Once aboard the pirate ship, instead of horror, she managed to find a new people to call her own. Learning the tricks of their trade as a child, Kairen grew up to be a mischievous teenager, only loyal to those she calls her crew. Once she felt like she was ready, she left the ship she called home in order to explore this world, and perhaps find a crew of her own.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She stands at about 5’ 3” or so, lean muscular build, very similar to a human teenager. She has ice blue hair, with braids pulling the top half of her hair out of her face, since her hair tends to float about her as if she is underwater constantly. Her usual clothing consists of loose light grey pants tucked into leather boots that come just under her knee, the material of her pants billowing out quite a bit. She wears a much darker grey, form fitting blouse with a mock neck collar and lantern sleeves falling halfway down her forearms. She has a thick black leather belt around her waist, from which hang thinner loops for pouches and other rogue supplies, along with a rapier. She has cropped jacket, dark blue, almost navy, with gold trimmings and embroidery to match the color of the hilt of her rapier. She has her two daggers tucked into each of her boots rather than having them hang from her belt. Black leather half finger gloves adorn her hands, only covering to her wrist. She also has a strip of cloth tied just above the rim of her right boot, a piece of the flag she used to sail under. And of course, a three pointed pirate hat to match.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kairen's mother started off on a ship of discovery as a wizard wanting to explore and find new knowledge. She ended up finding a water elemental and struck a deal of power and knowledge in exchange for a genasi daughter. After Kairen was born, she grew up on this small ship with her mother and the crew. Because her mother had finally found the knowledge/power she wanted, she was obsessed in learning and exploring it, and therefore Kairen was neglected. She was left to be mostly raised by the crew for the time being she spent on that ship, learning how to sail as well as reading through her mother's books. Since most of the people on the ship didn't really care to notice her as long as she did her work, she got away with little things like sneaking extra food or "misplacing" the crew's things for fun. Once my character was around maybe 8 or 9 years old, her mother's ship was attacked and boarded by pirates. In order to save her research, her mother offered her daughter to the pirates instead. Being that she's a water genasi, the pirates decided to take this deal, thinking that she would be valuable to have on their ship, willingly or not. While there, the crew grew attached to the kid because of her daring attitude and she learned to enjoy her time on this ship, having the closest thing to family in the crew there. They even gave her the last name, Moon, after they discovered her power and skill during the time when the moon is out. Kairen spent the rest of her childhood under this pirate captain and his tattered crew, picking up the tricks and schemes along the way. Once she was deemed old enough, the captain gave her the choice to leave if she wanted, explore the world on her own, and she took it. Bidding farewell to the crew, and cutting a piece of their flag for her own, she set off to discover the world, and perhaps even find a crew for her own.

Crafty teenager who grew up with pirates for family, she's now off to discover what she can do on her own in the world.

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True Neutral
Ice Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Similar to human, but with blue/grey undertones
5' 3"

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