Zelene Mahdokht Character in Tristerras | World Anvil
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Zelene Mahdokht

Zelene Mahdokht

Zelene was born to a royal family that lived within the castle serving the moon goddess. Of the last memories of her home that she had, she was kidnapped by a group of fallen aasimar's in green/gray robes with tattoos (worshipers to Talona). Her father fought off the kidnapper in an effort to defend their home, and was able to save Zelene. Her dad was poisoned in an effort to bring the man down, but told Zelene to run towards the coast, meet with the sailor with the Golden feather, and sail out away from the island. Zelene now swears to die fighting people who bring evil and torture to others, having very strong feelings against those who have bad intentions. She prays to Selene the moon god who now guides her if she is in danger, or in a time of need. She has taken the quest of trying to find Talona and vanish her, but has had no luck finding her or any of her worshippers since the attack. She also yearns to meet up with her mother, who she had to leave behind to not make her father's death in vain.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zelene was born to a royal family that lived within the castle serving the moon goddess. Of the last memories of her home that she had, she was kidnapped by a group of fallen aasimar's in green/gray robes with tattoos (worshipers to Talona, unknown to her). Her father fought off the kidnapper in an effort to defend their home, and was able to save Zelene. Her dad was poisoned in an effort to bring the man down, but told Zelene to run towards the coast, meet with the sailor with the Golden feather, and sail out away from the island. Zelene now swears to die fighting people who bring evil and torture to others, having very strong feelings against those who have bad intentions. She prays to Selene the moon god who now guides her if she is in danger, or in a time of need. She has taken the quest of trying to find Zelene and vanish her, but has had no luck finding her or any of her worshippers since the attack. She also yearns to meet up with her mother, who is still alive somewhere but hasn't been seen or heard of since.

Personality Characteristics


Zelene tours the worlds in search of her mother now that her kingdom has fallen, hoping she is alive somewhere and visiting new towns regularly. Because of this, she has become a great adventurer, and helps to fight evil along the way as well as to stop further corruption of the land. She knows that one day, she will be able to meet up with her again, and that there will be no more wars and fighting across the lands.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Zelene has a strong knowledge of how to help a kingdom run, and is able to see any kingdom's current state and help them get back up to speed. With this comes a humble heart of servitude, as she worshipped the Gods of the Moon and the royal kingdom directly, serving them as they ruled over the land to protect the people. If anyone wants to know how to tour around a castle, Zelene is the one to go to!

Likes & Dislikes

Zelene loves anything of a blue color, and will gravitate towards anything that reminds her of home as well. She loves the smell of rain, and getting under a nice warm blanket at the end of a long day. She also loves pineapple on her pizza. Zelene dislikes people who are very egoistical and attention-centered, and prefers a more humble friend due to coming from a humble kingdom. Zelene dislikes the feeling of being helpless and will panic, since it reminds her of the attack at her old kingdom. She wants to feel like she is able to take anything on, and if not, she is at least safe.

Virtues & Personality perks

Zelene is a bright spirited woman who loves a good laugh, some mischief, and some drinks, as long as she is in a good mood! She fits in naturally into a crowd, and has an easy time making friends and treating them like they are special to her (because, yes, they are!!). Zelene can also use the stars above her to guide her and the people around her in cardinal directions, or towards different cities so long as she has previously visited the place. Using the stars to guide her, she is sometimes able to predict the best path to follow, although she has not quite mastered the act so sometimes it is not the best path to take!!

Vices & Personality flaws

Zelene has a hard internal drive to defeat evil due to the attack on the kingdom. Mysbera strives to get rid of any evil she sees, whether there is obvious evil or only evil to her eyes (that's right, don't take her sandwich or she will get angy). Although she is very nice, she is a bit quick to jump into a defensive mode when provoked, and can lead to her fighting with a tree who "ran into her."

Personality Quirks

When flustered or upset, Zelene may throw a small punch to nudge you back (nothing serious). She tends to get hot headed easily and does not have the best fight or flight response on an instant reaction!   Zelene is always very friendly and loves to meet new people, as well as animals! As long as it is not actively trying to eat her, Zelene will go and try to pet animals and try and talk to them. This may mean the bear that is calmly sleeping under a tree.


Zelene loves to practice regular hygiene, and will bathe after a long adventurous day before heading to bed.


Contacts & Relations

Zelene only has her mother alive, although she is still looking for her to meet up with her again. Zelene has no other relations or contacts as she has not managed to find anyone from her kingdom either.

Family Ties

Her family is directly tied to the royal lineage of Selene the Moon Goddess. She is not considered royalty, but is royal enough to live directly in the castle and serve the king and queen by helping with the routines of keeping the castle alive.

Religious Views

Zelene is a twilight cleric, who worships Selene the Moon Goddess. She has a spiritual connection with the stars and the moon, and loves to sleep under the stars.

Social Aptitude

Zelene is humble and can easily make a friend, but may also become a hot head if provoked. As long as she is treated well she will not get upset and act accordingly.


Due to her servitude in the kingdom, Zelene has top quality manners and treats everyone with respect. She tends to put herself second amongst her friends since she grew up protecting and serving the kingdom, and enjoys seeing her friends be happy.

Hobbies & Pets

Zelene has a pet barn owl she has grown to know from the kingdom. This was unofficially "they royal owl" in her eyes, as the owl would look over the castle at night and fend off the tiny warriors (and eat them! Yes, the rats!). The owl's name is Nyx, named after the goddess of the night.

Zelene is a brightly spirited girl with a burning passion in her heart for the things she believes in and worships. She has grown amongst her tiny kingdom a small and brave warrior, helping protect and serve the kingdom she has been raised in.

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Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft 2 in

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