
Sekorae (singular: sekora) are used for their meat, but more often they are used for their fur. They are raised by farmers and can be sheared without harm. They are herbivores, eating the different plants found around them. They can be found in any nation, in a farm or out in the wild. They are very gentle creatures, only harming people when they feel threatened. Many farmers will only keep sekorae because they don’t need to be killed to make money for the farm.
Sekorae also make good pets for people with plenty of space outside. They can be a small source of income to make a little extra money. They can form lasting relationships with their owners, and will stay around the house once they feel at home. Farmers form bonds with their sekora, and the sekorae form bonds with each other.
A sekora’s fur is used for clothes and stuffing. It is very versatile, and people will pay top dollar for the processed fur, so many farmers will process the fur before taking it to market. Some farmers have a family member that can turn fur into fabric, and some even have someone who can turn the fabric into clothes, and the family all gets a percentage of the profits.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sekorae can be found anywhere on Tritanix 3. They are common animals, and many farmers raise them.

Average Intelligence

Sekorae aren’t the smartest things around, but they recognize each other and their owners, so they must have some smarts to them.
40 years
Average Weight
150-200 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their fur is white, which makes dying it even easier. Their skin is either a pale blue or a dark violet, and they can sometimes be both in a spotted pattern.

Cover image: by Thgusstavo Santana


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