
Manes are the lowest of all forms of Tanar'ri and nothing more than fodder to the rest of the Plane of Demons inhabitants. They are formed when chaotic evil soul dies and enters the Plane of Demons, their soul forming into a rotten humanoid. Being created from the souls of the dead, means that Manes are the most numerous of the Tanar'ri kind and the first form of many other Tanar'ri species.      


Manes are approximately 3 ft tall humanoids that are surprisingly light for their build, weighing only around 15 lb. Their bodies are pale, bloated, nearly hairless, and crawling with maggots that actually fed on them. Both their eyes constantly drip disgusting liquids and show no signs of sentience. Their jagged teeth and cruel claws complimented their feral minds.    


Manes normally quickly forget why they are given weapons, so it is easier for higher ranking Demons to simply let them fight with their natural weaponry. Due to their lack of proper sentience, Manes could not be magically mind controlled. They are ineffective combatants akin to sluggish Dogs although their innumerable quantities compensated for their weakness.    


Manes are normally decent rank-and-file combat force as their pure hatred drove them to attack any enemy that decided to be in their way. Unfortunately for the Tanar'ri and other Demons, Manes are also incredibly stupid and difficult to control, although too due to rebelliousness. An example would be when Manes are armed with weapons, soon after being instructed on what to with the said weapon, they will forget the purpose of it and continue to fight like wild animals. Objects to the Manes carry no value as they only cared to fight and believed that it was better to just fight with what they already had natural. Manes also have no sense of self preservation and will continue to attack in a way detrimental to their own survival and those of their respective armies. Although they cannot speak, they are able to understand complex commands made in Abyssal. When not actively being told what to do, they travel in packs wandering the Plane of Demons or acted simperingly towards higher Demons.     Most Manes lose their memories in the traumatic process that granted them their forms when the soul enters the Plane of Demons. A combination of psychic agony and overpowering shock from the transformation, leaves them with only a vague, persistent sense of lost and the bitter crazed rage that resulted after it. It is extremely rare for Manes to retain a fragmented memory of their mortal life, but in most cases, they are mere beasts. Occasionally some gain the self-awareness needed to recognize the gap in power between them and all that surrounds them and so fight to improve their position, a struggle that rarely ends in success for the Manes, as the Plane of Demons does not like lower lifeforms rising above them.    


Some Manes wander the Plane of Demons in swarms, usually comprising of a dozen or so Manes. However, wild manes could also travel in massive hordes of up to a hundred at a time creating devasting demonic forces that killed anything in their path. Manes are viewed by other Tanari'ri as expendable fighting force like Dretches, but not as soldiers, as Manes cannot be outfitted or complex battle orders. Instead, Mane’s function as controlled fires, grouped into legions of thousands and set to march in specific directions or placed in certain areas to overwhelm the enemy. The station of Manes is so low that to most Tanar'ri, they are viewed as nothing more than sub-Tanar'ric monsters, just petitioners worthy of nothing but scorn and contempt. At the same time, since Manes are the former souls of the dead wo have found themselves in the Plane of Demons, the number of Manes is always growing, so much that non-Tanari feared them in general.     A majority of Tanar'ri Demon Lords and Demon Princes used Manes as a food source and devouring them would permanently erase them from existence. Many are traded within the citadels as slaves and used as currencies between those who control settlements in the Plane of Demons. Otherwise, Manes that show a glimmer of intellect or a particular cruelty might be promoted by more powerful Tanar'ri and transformed into a higher rank of Demon. Manes are just as likely however, to have their numbers culled out of a pragmatic fear of their spontaneous transformations, as so many exist that the probability of one rising to Demon Lord status was an unsettling possibility to all other Demons.


Manes cannot be truly killed expect under very specific circumstances and normally when killed, their bodies will disperse into noxious vapor before reforming in the Plane of Demons a day later. Unlike most Demons, who rise in power based on how many they killed, Manes can be transformed by the forces of the Plane of Demons into more powerful Tanar'ri at random. These transformations are largely unpredictable ranging from as simple as a Rutterkin to as strong as a Vrock. Manes with memories left are more likely to advance like this and the most despicable of them could transform into Balors or even Molydei.    

In-Game Stats

Monster Manual 5e

Mane CR: 1/8

Small fiend (demon), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 9 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 9 (2d6 + 2)
Speed: 20 ft


10 +0


9 -1


13 +1


3 -4


8 -1


4 -3

Damage Resistances: Cold, Fire, Lightning
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 9
Languages: Understands Abyssal but can't speak
Challenge Rating: 1/8


Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (2d4) slashing damage.

Scientific Name
Tanar'ri Demon
Geographic Distribution


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Mar 13, 2024 12:49 by Dani

I hate the holes man.