Quasit (Kwa-Zitz)

Quasits are Demons that share similarties to Imps, so much that are thought to be their chaotic couterparts. Like Glazbrezus, they specialize in tempting mortals to acts of evil through promises of power, but rather than granting wishes, they gradually pushed mortal summoers towards depravity.      


Quastis stand somewhere between 1-2ft tall and weigh around 8lb. Their tiny humanoid forms have green skin and are covered in warts and pustules. Their tails are covered in barbs while their horns are spiky. Both their hands and feet are slender, with long, claw-tipped digits.      


Despite their physical frailty, Quasits can be fearsomely annoying and maddening to fight, able to wreak havoc and create unending distractions for their adversaries. Thankfully, unless they have some sort of advantage, most will rely on their invisibility to flee battles rather than sticking around to battle. When Quasits do fight, they prefer to strike in ambush rather than in up front fights, their various abilities making them capable assassins. Their most effective leading tactic is to turn into an innocuous animal or turning invisible to avoid detection as they approached their target, as truesight will be needed to discern a morphed Quasit's real form. A battle against a Quasit is one of attrition as it uses blinding speed to strike at its enemies before slinking away, allowing its poison to slowly debilitate their foes. Their poison reduces mobility and dexterity, making their target order being spellcasters first, to those with ranged weapons, to general combatants like fighters and rogues, often trying to make the chosen target completely helpless first before attacking or fleeing. As such, means of delaying or neutralizing poisons are vital.     If the need for retreat appears to be the only answer, Quasits can strike fear into their enemies before running away, an indication that something has gone horribly wrong since they would reserve this ability. Quasits are likely to change form in this instance if doing so would make it easier for them escape. Given their cowardly ways, a cornered Quasit that is convinced that they are trapped, will be more than willing to trade information for their life, the particularly desperate even offering the use of commune, preventing them from lying.      


When they are not doing the bidding of a greater evil, Quasits might entertain themselves with minor acts of malicious mischief, such as curdling milk or plotting wicked schemes of their own. They are not particularly smart, but their small size is not to be mistaken for an equally small mind. Quasits could rival the average Human in brainpower, and normally possess a deep cunning able to compensate for their lack of intellect. The small Demons excel at deception, the words they speak and their actual meaning rarely being the same thing. Quasits are insidious creatures with a ceaseless craving for power in all its forms. Despite this personal desire for power and success however, they are physically weak and mostly cowardly beings that shied away from direct confrontation. Unlike most other members of their kind, Quasits have a healthy sense of self-preservation, and when cornered will do almost anything to survive. Although they preferred to act alone, they normally familiarized themselves with the locations of other Demons in case they found themselves in danger.    


Quasits can be found infesting all but most lawful of the Lower Planes. In general, the Quasits of the Plane of Demons are treated like children, albeit petulant brats. They are versatile Demons that assist in many tasks throughout the Plane of Demons, with jobs ranging from spies, messengers, counsellors, emissaries, and domestic aids. The most well-known duty of a Quasit is that they can be summoned to become the familiars of Wizards and Sorcerer, or in general those who are not lawful or good. The Quasit's job is to serve their master well and help them succeed in their endeavours, but this is merely a pretence to their true goal. In truth, Quasits sought out arcane magic users with weak wills and strong impulses in a bid to make them behave with greater moral abandon, and eventually turn them into a magical outlet of destruction. The greater havoc their masters wrought the better, although they will prefer their malice to target those least likely to already be headed to the Plane of Demons to steal their souls first. This rule especially applied to those of lawful evil alignments, to prevent the Devil forces from growing in power.     Quasits would continue to serve their mortal master if they believed that they can still grow more powerful and commit greater atrocities, with wishing them dead when it becomes evident, they would only become weaker or morally stronger. After driving their maters to destroy themselves, a Quasit will hurriedly drag their soul back to the Plane of Demons, along with any souls they have grabbed along the way and present it to their true master in the hopes of being promoted. After evaluating their performance, based on the wickedness of the soul, a Demon Lord might send them back to try again if they'd justifiably failed, or else punish them. Those who succeed in furthering their master's cause, could be promoted into a Vrock, or even a Hezrou as a reward. Promising to help a Quasit ascend the demonic totem pole could gain a temporary allegiance from them. Not all Quasits, however desire to climb their hierarchy, instead fleeing their Tanar'ric masters at the first opportunity in the hopes of carving their own path in life.


Quasits are normally created from soul larvae specifically for their chaotic purpose and are nearly always in under control of a higher power. Because of this, Quasits could normally only ascend the Demonic hierarchy through serving their master’s diligently. Not standing out or abject failure could result in eternal servitude, being eaten, killed for fun, or worst of all being demoted back into a larva or turned into a Mane. Quasits are assigned genders at the whims of whoever their masters are, whether Tanar'ri or mortal.    

Notable Quasits:

  • Ahlzac: A Quasit summonded from the Ravagan by Darkpaw. After convicence the little Demon and threating it, Ahlzac would gave Darkpaw its true name and now works for him.
  • Fhtagn: A Quasit summonded from the Ravagan by Darkpaw. After convicence the little Demon and threating it, Fhtagn would gave Darkpaw its true name and now works for him.

In-Game Stats

Monster Manual 5e

Quasit CR: 1

Tiny fiend (demon, shapechanger), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 7 (3d4)
Speed: 40 ft


5 -3


17 +3


10 +0


7 -2


10 +0


10 +0

Damage Resistances: Cold, Fire, Lightning; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Immunities: Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages: Abyssal, Common
Challenge Rating: 1

Shapechanger: The quasit can use its action to polymorph into a beast form that resembles a bat (speed 10 ft. fly 40 ft.), a centipede (40 ft., climb 40 ft.), or a toad (40 ft., swim 40 ft.), or back into its true form. Its statistics are the same in each form, except for the speed changes noted. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.   Magic Resistance: The quasit has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Claws (Bite in Beast Form): Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 5 (2d4) poison damage and become poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.   Scare (1/Day): One creature of the quasit's choice within 20 feet of it must succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the quasit is within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success.   Invisibility: The quasit magically turns invisible until it attacks or uses Scare, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the quasit wears or carries is invisible with it.

Scientific Name
Miscellaneous Demon
Geographic Distribution


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