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Liches are inherently magic typically undead beings that act as a "sub-species" in addition to and altering a (sentient?) beings original appearance. Any creature capable of accumulating magic is capable of becoming a lich with great effort and great time.

(to consider: Rarely, wild creatures may accidentally become a lich due to an extreme abundance of magical ability with no way to truly harness it, becoming a danger to it's surroundings.) Sentient liches tend to have strong control over their abilities and show extreme magical prowess, with some opting to become teachers of arcane arts. Physically, a lich tends to keep features of their original appearance though the increased ability to store and control such powerful magic almost always causes an alteration in their "physicality", tending to distort or transform most into large beasts or monsters. The process may be very long and painful, sometimes causing long term or permanent disability, most view it as necessary in the pursuit of knowledge and many choose to become liches simply to have a better understanding of magic and ability to more easily teach others. While they are not inherently evil nor do most become liches for evil purposes, there are some less informed spheres or societies that still hold onto the legend of them being highly destructive necromancers.

Basic Information

Biological Cycle

While becoming a lich does not entirely effect already present biological cycles, some liches may experience new changes depending on their transformation. There is currently no known pattern in which transformations happen to whom, but changes in skin, fur, hair, etc. may become apparent with passing seasons.


Becoming a lich tends to instill or exasperate a desire to gather and share knowledge, with some known to start libraries purely for that purpose.
As a note, liches in this universe are not always undead and do not require holding their soul in a phylactery

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