Common Language in Trollskóg | World Anvil
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Eyn endast vel eyn gelder, dar óvim yar eyt roth. Men endast far ey sálde gyeng trógir ðár laógir.
— A word of sorrow
  Common is the most widely spoken language in The Five Worlds . It is the tongue of Ordin, and the official language of The Ordin Empire. Outsiders of the Ordin Empire therefore often refer to Common as Ordinian, but this would be inaccurate in an academic sense.  


Common is the written language of the Ordin Empire and has been so since the beginning. Most recorded history is written in Common, though in older forms, and most internal communication is done in Common. Common is also used when humans speak with Wyverns through the use of word tablets   Common is therefore the most written language in all of The Five Worlds and almost all signs, maps and official documents are written in common.


Because Common has been forced as an official language across the Ordin Empire, there has sprung out a big variety of dialects throughout The Five Worlds 
  • Ordin: In Ordin, the dialects divert from Common on the different islands. The dialects are often referred to as "peasant-like", as the dialects sound similar to common, but with a few mispronunciations or vocal changes.
  • Yáðin: Because of the vast amount of naval trade in Yáðin, Common has formed a sort of pidgin language with the other Yáðin languages. Common also have a wide variety of loan words from Yáðin languages, especially within trade, ship building and naval navigation. Yáðin dialects have many diphthongs and also a different tonality in sentences, and they're often thought of as to almost be singing while speaking
  • Sipmór: The people of Sipmór have completely different languages than Common and also very different from each other's. The vast distance between each settlement has created a language barrier within Sipmór. Common is therefore used as an intermediate form of communication. Common is almost spoken literally as it's defined in Sipmór, as it is a language learned at a later age. The people of Sipmór speak Common more correct than even people in Ordin.
  • Wirmór: Wyverns do not speak Common, as it is physically impossible for them to speak the language. The humans that live in Wirmór come from any of the other worlds and therefore speak Common as from their homeworld.

Place Name Generator

This project is meant to expand, not only by me, but by anyone who wants to contribute. This place name generator can be used, in order to keep the names consistent throughout the world. Names are not limited to the tables below, but is meant to inspire you.   This is also perfect for improvisation when GM-ing. If you're going off script and need to come up with a quick name, use this as an option.

How to use

Choose or roll a descriptive word from the table below. Each descriptive word has a translation which describes the feature you're naming, though this doesn't have to be accurate. "Red river" doesn't mean the river is red, but could be tied to a historical event, to flora that grow close by, or just because someone wanted to call it that. You can also use personal names as a descriptive word and add an -s at the end, like Eikis, Áros or Eyres.   Next you choose or roll the feature word. There are five categories:
  • Mountain
    Mountains, hills, cliffs, or any elevated areas
  • Water
    Seas, bays, fjords, ponds, rivers, lakes, streams, or any body of water
  • Land
    Plains, fields, forests, tundra or uninhabited space
  • Civilizarion
    Towns, cities, outposts, forts, camps or any inhabited spaces
  • Area
    Regions, places or any generic area.
  The feature words are not accurate either, but they generically mean something that could be categorized as that feature. For instance skóg means forest, so if your feature is a forest, you might be compelled to use that word. Grás on the other hand, means grass or field. You can still use grás even if your feature is a forest. The forest could have been a field before, but a forest emerged there, or you just think that grás is a cooler word. Again, it doesn't have to be accurate.   Finally, you combine your descriptive word and your feature word. For instance Stern and Tágg for a mountain: Sterntágg. If the words don't combine easily, like Brinnhreir you can add vowels in between. Most common would be i or e, which would result in Brinnhreir.   And you're done!

Descriptive words

Description Translation Description Translation
Stern Star Gelp Yellow
Monn Moon Kinn People
Lyós Light (or the goddess) Óde Desolate
Skógge Shadow (or the goddess) Mikle BIg
Stripe Stripe, or long and thin Litthe Small
Brinn Sharp or angled Við Wide
Pókle Lump or lumpy Fyerre The first or "In front of"
Róð Red Iste Outer or "on the outside of"
Gron Green Inste Inner or "on the inside of"
Doll Blue Bakre "In the back", or "the last"

Feature Words

Mountain Water Land Civilization Area
Fyall Vátn Grás Stad Gor
Ós Lák Skóg Gor Tór
Tinn Bikk Voll Mon Skágge
Tágg Yelv Ós Heim Res
Berg Vik Vál Merk Halme
Gilbe Tyárn Dolm Hreir Plemm
Yiste Ovell Singe Ten Mo
Spir Drág Lódd Borg Káll
Hedde Sirge Li Horg Tróth
Sómme Flyó Hegge Thárv Venye


Common has six vowels and 15 consonants. The tables below gives an example of each of the sounds, though they are not completely accurate.


Letter IPA Example
a æ rack
á ɑ father
e ɛ set
i i thing
o o story
ó u fool
All vowels have short and long forms. Short forms are when there are two consonants after the wovel, like in Frónn /frun/, while the long form is if there is one or no consonants after the vowel, like in Frón /fruːn/. This only applies to the first syllable in a word, every vowels after than will have short vowels. For instance, Gerfrón /gerfrun/, where the ó is short even with only one succeeding consonant.  


Letter IPA Example
b b back
d d drop
ð ð this
f f food
g g good
h h hello
k k kick
l l lost
m m most
n n nap
p p pearl
r r road
s s sing
th θ thing
t t troll



Nouns are altered by definiteness, number and gender. Gender: Masculine, feminine and neuter. Number: Singular, dual and plural. Dual and plural are marked with s suffix. Definiteness: Definite and Indefinite. Articles: Changed based on definiteness and gender.



Eyn: /ɛːjn/, one Do: /doː/, two Tri:  /triː/, three Feyr: /fɛjr/, four Fóm: /fuːm/, five Hálthá: /hɑlθɑ/, six Sáyr: /sɑjr/, seven Átto: /ɑtːo/, eight Ner: /nɛːr/, nine Del: /dɛːl/, ten Yel: /jɛːl/, eleven Dóren: /duːrɛn/, twelve Eyn-dóren: thirteen Do-dóren: fourteen


17 Words.
Common Phrases
Vel tág
Good day
Vel morgón
Good morning
Vel áften
Good evening
Vel kvár
Good night
Thank you
Fár vel
Kva gyeng?
How are you? or What's up?
Lágleg far ___
In the right position for ___. A common phrase used when something fits perfect.
Lágleg far giftmol
Perfect for marriage. Figuratively used for two people who go together. This is also used regardless of age, relationship status and gender.
Lágleg far hogg
Literally means "Head close enough to be chopped by an axe", figuratively "Purposely put yourself in a dangerous situation"


Ey gláð lámm her eyt kaópkin i drivin
A happy llama keeps a merchant in business
Eyn gást ómen knifapár, er eyn gást ómen vet
A guest without cutlery, is a guest who has lost their mind.
Eyn váns ei ingel með torre hende
You don't catch fish with dry hands
Đad álle eyge, eyger ingen
That which is owned by everyone, is owned by none
Ni kállest visser brágest
New brooms are best at sweeping
Allt hath eyn ende, abenom staóba – eth hath tve
Everything has an end, except the sausage – it has two
Common Female Names
Áyrinn, Brogan, Eláyná, Elri, Emthe, Enla, Faydinn, Gillis, Ilá, Karyinn, Keyl, Kventh, Kyesten, Máthinká, Mayginn, Monteyr, Myó, Nánne, Nolvenn, Ódess, Ómená, Pridd, Primm, Rebá, Sirri, Skeydd, Skeran, Yánálinn, Yádith, Yeyn  

Female names with known meanings

Night rain
Shining gold
Daughter of Hár
Divine Goodness
From the outer land
From the alder grove
Little poet
Gods gift
Vilmót: Courage-- --Ving
To give
Common Male Names
Ánderonn, Binn, Bisk, Blays, Edgárth, Evikk, Fárrell, Fevikk, Feydlimm, Gáreth, Grim, Hággeth, Hár, Helgenn, Hóonn, Kaldon, Kentónn, Kipp, Kyánder, Middir, Nels, Nólinn, Nyáll, Olbern, Siggónn, Slevin, Sondór, Tramonn, Yárleth, Yelder

Male names with known meaning

Second son
Full of goodness
God of my salvation
Joined in harmony
Of the grey-haired
Of the brightheaded
Son of the south
The bright one
Of the Northern winds
Calm sound
Old soul

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