
Centaur are majestic equid-like creatures of fey ancestry. Their upper torsos mirror that of humans, bearing strong arms, noble faces, and a deep connection to the wild. From their equine waist down, they possess the sleek form of a horse, with sturdy legs capable of covering vast distances with remarkable speed.   Centaur society revolves around the principles of kinship and the natural world, similar to their deep forest dwelling cousins, the Alseid. They often form close-knit tribes that roam through untamed lands, forging deep connections with the earth and its creatures. These nomadic groups are guided by shamanistic leaders who possess an intimate understanding of the land's rhythms and its creatures' needs.   Renowned for their archery skills, centaurs are formidable hunters and guardians of the wild plains and less dense woodlands. They hold an unwavering bond with their environment, respecting its delicate balance and defending it from those who would exploit or disrupt it. This intimate connection to nature also manifests in their art and rituals, which often incorporate elements like rhythmic drumming and spirited dances that mirror the cadence of the natural world.   Despite their nomadic lifestyle, centaurs possess a sense of nobility and honor, treating allies and strangers with respect. They value bravery and strength, holding contests of athleticism and horsemanship to foster camaraderie within their communities. The sight of a centaur galloping through open fields, the wind in their hair and the earth beneath their hooves, is a symbol of their untamed spirit and their eternal bond with the untamed world they call home.
Scientific Name
Silvis centaurus campi