Crystal Wisteria

The Crystal Wisteria is a botanical wonder that graces very few landscapes with its ethereal beauty. Standing as a true testament to the enchantment of nature, this tree is a marvel to behold. Its trunk, sturdy and twisted with age, is encased in a silvery bark that seems to shimmer like moonlit water. But it is the cascading vines of delicate flowers that truly capture the heart.   During the day, when the sun's rays filter through the leaves, the Crystal Wisteria's blossoms appear almost translucent, like fragile glass. The petals are so fine and thin that they seem to quiver with every passing breeze, emitting a soft tinkling sound akin to distant chimes. The tree seems to hum with life, as if it holds a secret connection to the world around it.   However, it is under the moon's glow that the Crystal Wisteria truly comes alive. As night descends, the petals emit a subtle, otherworldly luminescence that refracts the moonlight like a thousand prisms. The entire tree shimmers with a spectral brilliance, casting a soft, eerie radiance across the surroundings. It's as if the very essence of the moonlight has been captured within the flowers, creating a mesmerizing display that stirs the soul.   The Crystal Wisteria is often found in groves close to more isolated Ley Lines and areas where the Feywild and Material Plane are better intertwined. However, they are very sensitive to corruptive forces and taint, one of the largest groves of Crystal Wisteria are in Brusel in the Grove of Lurue and is a sacred tree connected to the grove's and city's patron deity.
Scientific Name
Wisteria crystallum
Geographic Distribution