
The Gnomes of Trorune radiate an aura of whimsy, curiosity, and ingenuity. Each subspecies possesses its own delightful quirks and unique inclinations, embarking on their separate journeys through the realms.   Forest Gnomes, playful and attuned to nature's secrets, find solace and kinship amidst the emerald embrace of woodlands and glens. Inhabiting cozy burrows hidden beneath the roots of ancient trees, these Gnomes thrive on harmonious bonds with the flora and fauna that surround them. Masters of illusion and stealth, they move like wraiths among the shadows, their quick wit and agile minds matched only by their kind and generous hearts.   Rock Gnomes, on the other hand, embrace the beauty of craftsmanship and invention, dwelling in bustling cities filled with tinkering workshops and bustling markets. Their insatiable curiosity and inventive spirits drive them to create marvelous contraptions, gadgets, and clockwork marvels, constantly seeking new and innovative ways to improve their surroundings. With a penchant for pragmatism and a dash of whimsy, Rock Gnomes are delightful companions on any adventure.   Svirfneblin, known as Deep Gnomes, form a distinct group of Gnomes who make their homes deep within the earth, hidden away from the world's light. Dwelling in the mysterious and labyrinthine Underdark, Svirfneblin possess a natural ability to blend into their surroundings and remain unseen by those who would do them harm. Revering tradition and ancestry, they are a stoic and secretive people, gifted with innate magical talents that make them formidable opponents in the depths of the world.   Though diverse in appearance and inclination, all Gnomes share common traits that make them endearing and fascinating creatures. Their diminutive stature, often standing around three feet tall, belies their immense intelligence and boundless creativity. They are gifted artisans, accomplished illusionists, and possess a mischievous sense of humor that warms the hearts of even the most stoic adventurers.
Scientific Name
Homo gnomus