
Hobgoblins stride through the world of Trorune as both conquerors and commanders with a formidiable discipline amongst the goblioids and other greenskins. Their robust frames and martial prowess are accompanied by a tactical genius that sets them apart from other humanoid races. With crimson skin and sharp, militaristic features, hobgoblins exude an air of unwavering authority.   Brought together by a shared sense of hierarchy and order, hobgoblins forge tight-knit societies that revolve around the principles of strength, strategy, and obedience. The rigid structure of their communities is mirrored in their daily lives, as they respect authority and place great importance on duty and honor. Whether on the battlefield or in diplomatic negotiations, hobgoblins approach every endeavor with meticulous planning and precision.   As creatures of both intellect and strength, hobgoblins excel in the art of war. Their martial upbringing from an early age, coupled with an affinity for strategy, positions them as fearsome adversaries and sought-after allies. Clad in disciplined armor, wielding weapons forged with precision, hobgoblins exude an aura of command that can turn the tide of any conflict.   Beyond their military prowess, hobgoblins engage in various crafts and trades, often aligned with their commitment to order and productivity. Architects, engineers, and scholars, they embrace the pursuit of knowledge and technological advancement. Yet, their ambitions are always tempered by the collective good of their society.   While the world may perceive hobgoblins as stern and unyielding, their loyalty and camaraderie within their own ranks are unshakeable. They place great value on their comrades and the strength of their alliances, which they view as crucial for maintaining their structured existence. Hobgoblin leaders are chosen based on their ability to lead with a firm but fair hand, upholding their society's code and ensuring the continuity of their values.