
Nightbloom is a small, delicate flower that blooms only at night. The flower has six petals that are a deep violet color with a thin, almost translucent texture. The vine-like stem is long and thin with small, pointed leaves that grow out in alternating directions. The flower has a sweet, musky scent that is most potent at night. It has a mutualistic-parasitic relationship with many trees and gently coils itself around extended tree branches, still allowing the branch to grow, while draping down into the open air.   Nightbloom is native to dark, damp forests and has adapted to attract nocturnal pollinators, like bats. The flower's sweet scent attracts these, and other creatures, who then spread the pollen to other plants and fertilize the trees it grows on with guano. Nightbloom has been used for centuries as a natural sleep aid due to its calming properties