
Silverthorn is a rare plant that is native to the temperate forests of Kalbela and Trorune as a whole. It is a shrub-like plant that grows to be about three feet tall, and it has silvery thorns that line the stem and branches. The leaves are a deep green that have a waxy texture to them and faint silver veins on the leaves.   Biologically, the plant is unique in that it has adapted to contain a specific enzyme that can help cure lycanthropy. When ingested, the enzyme is absorbed by the body and can help neutralize the curse that causes the transformation into a werewolf or other lycanthrope. It is believed that the plant evolved this ability as a means of protecting itself from herbivorous lycanthropes, which are known to feed on various plant species.   Silverthorn is an incredibly rare plant, and it is difficult to cultivate. It requires specific soil conditions, a temperate climate, and a certain level of humidity to thrive. It is often found growing in the wild, and is typically guarded by those who know of its healing properties.   To use Silverthorn to cure lycanthropy, the plant must be harvested and brewed into a tea. The tea must then be consumed within a few hours of being brewed for the enzyme to be effective. Ingesting too much Silverthorn can cause side effects, including nausea and dizziness, so it must be used with caution.   Despite its rarity, Silverthorn is highly sought after by those afflicted with lycanthropy and the monster hunting community alike, and it is often the subject of quests and adventures.
Scientific Name
Argenti lupinotuum