
In the world of Trorune, amidst the realm of mystical wonders and ancient enigmas, the Tieflings emerge as a captivating and enigmatic race. Born from an anciet pact between mortals and infernal beings, they bear the indelible marks of their infernal heritage. Possessing a mesmerizing allure and an aura of arcane mystique, Tieflings stand out among the races, their appearance a symphony of striking features. Horns that curve gracefully from their heads, eyes that shimmer with ethereal hues, and tails that flick with a sinuous grace, they carry an unmistakable air of supernatural charm.   The nature of their infernal lineage bestows them with unique and mysterious abilities, as varied as the myriad fiends that walk the planes. The flickering of flames in their eyes reveals an inner power, a touch of the infernal that makes them both feared and respected. This magical affinity grants them the ability to harness dark energies, casting spells that evoke the very essence of the planes they are tied to.   Yet, it is not merely their appearance or magical prowess that sets the Tieflings apart; it is the depth of their spirits, honed by the resilience to overcome the prejudices and challenges that arise from their infernal blood. Despite enduring the burden of distrust from some, Tieflings often exhibit an unyielding spirit and a determination to prove their worth, not to the world, but to themselves.   While all Tieflings may grapple with inner conflicts, unsure of how to reconcile their infernal heritage with their mortal aspirations, others confidently wield their ancestry as a symbol of their strength. These are the ones who rise to positions of power, inspiring awe and fear as they command respect and assert their influence across the land.   Their fascinating history intertwines with the mythos of ancient pacts, bargains with fiends, and tales of both triumph and tragedy. Their journey is one of self-discovery, of coming to terms with their heritage, and ultimately, forging their destinies as they navigate the tumultuous tapestry of Kalbela.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Because of the cursed pact of their ancient ancestors, Tieflings, and their offspring, will always bear that curse. While most Tiefling births are the result of breeding between two Tieflings, if there is hybridization between different species coupled with a Tiefling, their Infernal linage will be the dominant result.   However, unique amongst the chaos and infection of their creation mythos is that Tieflings can be born in non-Tiefling pairings by sheer chance. There has been much research into the matter but nothing conclusive as to why. Many scholars and theologians simply assume that it is the connection between the Planes and their influences on one another. Regardless of the pairings though, gestation is similar to other humanoids of around nine months.
Scientific Name
Homo diaboli
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