
Tortles are a race of humanoid turtles that embody the timeless connection between land and sea across the world of Trorune. With their sturdy shells, placid demeanor, and deep connection to the natural world, Tortles bring a sense of ancient wisdom and serene strength to their interactions.   Standing between four and six feet tall, Tortles carry themselves with a deliberate and unhurried grace that reflects their deep connection to the earth. Their rough, scaly skin varies in color and texture, mirroring the hues of their watery and terrestrial homes. Their eyes, often warm and contemplative, hold a depth of insight that speaks to their millennia of existence.   Tortles are blessed with physical resilience that reflects their lineage as creatures who have survived countless ages. Their most iconic feature is their protective shell, which serves as both armor and home. This shell becomes a testament to their wisdom and age, with unique markings and patterns that tell the stories of their journeys and experiences.   Embedded in Tortle culture is a profound connection to nature and the rhythm of the elements. They find solace and guidance in the ebb and flow of the tides, the whisper of the wind, and the embrace of the earth. Their affinity for the natural world grants them an innate understanding of herbalism, crafting, and survival techniques, making them skilled stewards of their environment.   Tortles possess a tranquil wisdom that reflects their timeless existence. They are known for their measured and thoughtful speech, offering insight born from countless generations of observation and contemplation. Their calm and composed demeanor often serves as a guiding light, helping them navigate the complexities of the world with a serene and steady heart.   While Tortles value their solitude and introspection, they are not isolated from the world around them, though to find them in commonplace is a rarity. They embrace connections and friendships that are built on shared respect and mutual understanding. The elders of Tortle communities serve as sources of guidance and wisdom, and their stories, filled with lessons from the past, are cherished by all.   Tortle societies find harmony in the balance between tradition and evolution. Their respect for the old ways and their ability to adapt to changing circumstances make them both guardians of the past and hopeful visionaries for the future. Their presence serves as a reminder that within the currents of time, there are creatures whose strength is drawn from the enduring essence of the earth itself.
Scientific Name
Ambulans Testudo
275-350 years
Average Height
Average Weight
200-400 lbs