Message to the Virgo Flos

Celestial / Cosmic


"I don't very much like humans; violent, vile, cruel, and loathsome beasts they can be. But you are a curious thing you are... a pity I cannot fix this nor would I even if I could. A vestial virgin defiled and tainted in exchange for two not of you. I told you to leave them, but here we are... the world is full of these curiously, cruel ironies I suppose.   You will protect my grove. Dig a pool around these stones and tree and burn it for a fortnight. Drive the sword into its charred roots. Then in one year's time on the midnight's full moon bring five of your finest maiden mares, the two bastard daughters, and yourself back to this grove all as naked as the day you were born. I will have something for you and your future. For I, Lurue, am your light now."

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