Bhaalists or Bhaalyn in True Path Keepers | World Anvil
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Bhaalists or Bhaalyn

Continent: Tapa

The clergy of Bhaal is also known as Bhaalists or Bhaalyn, the latter being used more commonly in the lands of the east. Together they were a disorderly network of local hierarchies, with the urban and rural branches maintaining distant relations from one another. Collectively, they believed that murder was both a duty to their god and a game for their enjoyment. Each cleric of Bhaal was expected to perform at least one murder every tenday, in the darkest moment in the dead of night.   Despite most throughout the Realms being terrified of him, especially those of the Moonshae Isles,[12] the exact nature of what the Lord of Murder had power over was contested among sages and scholars, In his most generous incarnation, he was viewed as a figure that might have taken strength in violently punishing murderers and warmongers. Challengers of this notion insisted that he judged whether a murder was righteous or not.[citation needed] Yet another ideal was propagated by the Bhaalspawn, his half-mortal children who had been spawned on Toril, who insisted that he simply wanted more murder.

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