Felines Species in Trutina | World Anvil
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Often referred to as cat-folk, feline races all hail from distant lands compared to the Continent. There are a couple of distinct races among them that are vastly different in terms of culture and abilities, but they all resemble humans with various feline attributes, such as a body covered in fur and a tail as well as a feline face.  


The most widespread type of cat-folk are the tabaxi, who possess many abilities attributed to house cats, such as agility and darkvision.  In terms of height, they rarely differ from the average human, but usually have a slight hunch, which makes it easier for them to run on all four limbs when they are in a hurry. Their faces often resemble that of house cats, but many of them has a facial structure more reminiscent of panthers or cheetahs. Their coloration usually matches their 'source' feline, but differences can occur.   While they are not very common, several children's stories mention cat-men that will steal the sweets of kids if they don't behave. This is only true for the Continent, however as they originally hail from the Tail of Aitrun, where they share a home with many humans who invaded and then settled on their lands.   Tabaxi live in a loose society, often preferring nomadic caravans over populated settlements as their homes. They most often live in communities governed by a council of sorts, rather than singular monarchs or elected leaders. Amongs the humans, they are often merchants, thieves and cutthroats and only rarely join human settlements as farmers or artisans.   Stereotypes (by humans):
  • Tabaxi are prone to kleptomania
  • Tabaxi are lazy and sleep all day
  • Tabaxi are often deceitful


Much more physically imposing, but way less common type of feline are the Leonin, who always look like humanoid lions. They are tall, fast and strong, but also possess a menacing voice that they use in combat to frighten their foes. As opposed to the Tabaxi, who often hunch forward, Leonins stand tall and proud, dwarfing most humans (except Goliaths) which grants them a longer stride, which makes them slightly faster than the average human, but not as fast as a Tabaxi running on all four. While their physical attributes always resemble a lion, their colour is much more varied than an actual lion's.   As they live just south of the lands of Sojazira, they are fairly well known amongst the humans living on the Northern shores of Aitrun. Tales of Lion-Men often travel to the Continent as well, but most people assume that it's just legend.   Very little is known about Leonin society as their members are fairly secretive and rarely leave their territory to venture into the lands of humans. What is known though is that Leonins live similarly to actual lions, with males keeping harems of females, but without the brutality of their animal counterparts. Leonins also value honour and loyalty. The few that travel into human occupied lands do so as mercenaries in search of fame and glory.   Stereotypes (by humans):
  • All Leonin fighters are male
  • Leonins are honourable and have a lot of pride
  • Leonins are excellent fighters
Tabaxi Merchant (Ostatoras)
Leonin Warrior


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