Sinistos Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Spawn of Kaos, The Ambitious Child

Sinistos is the Chaos God of Evil and Corruption (and Ambition and Wits). He is the creation and extension of Kaos, who serves under him and try to spread Chaos corruption in the material plane. While Kaos is the original Chaos God, Sinistos is even more evil, as he was born from Chaos itself.  


Similarly to Kaos, painting or sculpting Sinistos is forbidden by the Tenets. Based on text however, he looks like Kaos, albeit a bit shorter and does not wear armor to protect himself.  


Sinistos is most commonly represented by a drop of liquid. This can either represent the tears of those he wronged or as the blood he spilt.  


Sinistos is only worshipped by the foulest and most depraved of heretics as even the servants of Kaos often refrain from Sinistos. He does command the most wicked demons whom he creates.  


Sinistos is a master of manipulation, surpassing his father in that regard. He is also said to be almost unparalleled in magical abilities, rivaled only by a few Order Gods.

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