
Northwestern Shrine of the Sea

A ruined shrine located on the coast northeast of Shimonoseki in Nagato Province. Sumiyoshi-jinja was one of three major coastal shrines dedicated to the Sumiyoshi Sanjin, a trio of Kami with dominion over the sea. The temple's architecture represented this purpose, with an elaborate system of canals carved into the stone foundation. These passages allowed water from the sea to wash into the shrine's boundaries at high tide. They also served to ease transportation for the head priestess, a rare Ningyo with the body of a human and tail of a fish.   The temple at Sumiyoshi-taisha served as a site of offering for many fishermen, sailors, and other locals who made their livelihood by the whims of the ocean. After the opening of Heavens' Gate, however, the shrine was destroyed utterly. An impossibly huge tree of static lightning erupted out of the ground from below and tore the buildings and canals asunder as it stretched into the heavens, opening a gateway between Earth and Samayim. Miraculously, no attending priests or shrine maidens received any more than superficial injuries, but the temple also cannot be rebuilt while Metatron's barrier rebuffs all who try to approach. For now, the displaced clergy have sought shelter in Shimonoseki, while Sokotsutsu no Miko has joined her sister at Sumiyoshi-jinja.
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Cover image: by NovelAI


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