Remote Access Query: Log ID RS1
Gathering / Conference
ASKAENOS: Servant of Mēn v.1.465
>>Booting Up. . . .
>>Remote access ready. Credentials accepted.
>>Good morning, Administrator
Sūra Anāhīta. Please enter query.
>>Query accepted. Accessing log. . . .
>>Log dated 11-17-1559 01:06:21
Earth Time
>>Printing. . . .
>>Log Begins
Ryūzaki Sanosuke (Designated User) [RS]: “Okay, Ball. Your turn.”
>>Secure Connection Established
Sūra Anāhīta (Administrator) [SA]: “Am I speaking to Lord Ryūzaki Sanosuke?”
[RS]: “Greetings.”
>>Pause: 6 seconds
[RS]: “...Sūra Anahita. I am Ryūzaki Sanosuke. This Asukeanosu [sic] claims you wish to speak with me about an ‘Impersial-level Threat’?”
[RS]: “One moment.”
>>External spacial shift detected. New location: 123.3 miles NNW of original position.
>>Location logged as “Plushie War Room.”
>>Log continues.
>>Pause: 20 seconds.
[RS]: “We’re now secure. Go ahead.”
[SA]: “Askaenos has detected an extremely powerful and dangerous entity which has earthed itself in your physical body. Are you aware of this?”
[RS]: “I...wasn’t until now?”
[SA]: “And you do not feel any ill effects?”
[RS]: “Well... I did agree to provide som free real estate to someone I suppose lacks a physical body, but she hasn’t presented as especially dangerous or anything.”
[RS]: “Do you want ot come out,
>>Imperial-level threat detected. Designation: LUNA. Automated warning sent to Administrator Sūra Anāhīta.
>>Warning dismissed.
>>Log continues.
[LUNA]: “I’ve been so sleepy lately...”
[SA]: “I see. Lord Ryūzaki, I will try to keep this short and simple. That being is a threat to everything
Tsukuyomi has built. If he knew of her presence, he would stop at nothing to erase her existence.”
>>Pause: 4 seconds.
[SA]: “It is fortunate, then, that Askaenos found her first. We of Mēn do not follow Tsukuyomi’s whims.”
[RS]: “I can’t say this would be the first time I’ve crossed Tsukuyomi-kami, but I would not have thought Kana-chan was...
Hime-chan, you know these two?”
[KGYA]: “By reputation, yes. I—“
>>New voice detected. Identification: Kaguya, Princess of the Lunar Empire. Automated warning sent to Administrator Sūra Anāhīta.
>>Secure connection compromised. Communications disconnected.
>>Automatic recording begins.
>>Log continues.
[KGYA]: “I thought that might happen.”
>>Pause: 5 seconds.
[KGYA]: “The
Servants of Mēn are rebels, Champion. They seek to destroy the
Lunar Empire.”
[RS]: “Hm. That sounds bad. And they’d use Kana-chan here to that end?”
[KGYA]: “I’m not sure what they’re planning, but I’m certain it’s not good.”
[LUNA]: “It doesn’t sound familiar to me, but... Did she say ‘Tsukuyomi’?”
[RS]: “Of course I do not wish your father harm, Hime-chan, but I have considered the possibiity we may have to confront him in some way or another. No matter what may come, though, I will use everything I have to keep you safe.”
[RS]: “You remember him, Kana-chan?”
[LUNA]: “I think I hate him.”
>>Power surge detected. Extensive damage in sectors A5, B4, and C12. Quarantining affected areas. Automated warning sent to Administrator Sūra Anāhīta.
>>Log continues.
[RS]: “Well, that’s not so bad on its own. It does seem like you’re—were?—a criminal of some kind. Ah! Hime-chan, do you have access to the Lunar Empire’s criminal records?”
[KGYA]: “I’d ask you to be rid of that spirit, Champion, but...that’s not my place. Still, I caution you to be careful she may be far more dangerous than she appears. Oh, the records? Not here, I would need to return to the Empire to access those.”
>>Previous entry flagged as high-priority information.
[RS]: “Hey, can you let us communicate with these Mēn people?”
>>Designated User: Ryūzaki Sanosuke has been banned by an Administrator.
>>Response: “Error. User Ryūzaki Sanosuke has had access privileges revoked.”
[RS]: “Then, can you tell me about Sūra Anāhīta? Even if you shouldn’t, we’ve basically established a foothold in the
Dreamlands now. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have to go back and encounter these people.”
[RS]: “Tch. Damn ball.
Hikari-chan, can you try talking to it?”
>>Local access detected. Full User: Oyama Hikari [OH]. Credential accepted.
[KGYA]: “I know that Sūra Anāhīta calls herself the ‘Voice of Mēn.’ I also know that my father has been hunting her and her master for as long as I can remember. Even the Empire’s resources have not yet been able to flush them out. I believe they may be hiding on the Dark Side of hte Moon, but my father does not accept that as a possibility.”
>>Previous entry flagged as high-priority information.
[RS]: “So this dark ‘side’ of the moon is the moon of the Dreamlands, huh?”
>>Previous entry flagged as medium-priority. Information does not match database.
[RS]: “That seems like an impressive feat. Did your father ever say why he’s hunting them?”
[RS]: “Hikari-chan, could you ask Asukeinosu-san [sic] if it’s capable of covertly accessing the Lunar Empire’s records? Like some kind of hakkingu-suru [sic]? Er, as long as Hime-chan doesn’t mind...”
[OH]: “Uh, can you hakkingu-suru [sic] the Lunar Empire stuff, Asukeno-san [sic]?”
>>Response: “Affirmative. Access to the Imperial Database can be established. Please enter access key.”
>>Secure covert connection established. Awaiting access key.
[KGYA]: “It makes sense that it wouldn’t be that easy.”
[KGYA]: “I don’t know much about the Dreamlands, truthfully. And as for the Servants of Mēn, my father calls the mrebels. He says that they are a danger to the stability of the Empire. What further reason need he give his subjects, Champion?”
[KGYA]: “Of course, he didn’t tell me any more than that either.”
[RS]: “Unfortunate. Then it sounds to me like we should see what all the fuss is about. If we can... Hikari-chan, is that key something the Mēn have?”
>>Automated Response: “Access key time out. Please contact an administrator for further assistance.”
[OH]: “Who’s an administrator?”
>>Response: “Searching publicly listed administrators.”
>>Searching administrators.
>>Searching administrators with the tag “public.
>>Results: 1
>>Response: “One result: Sūra Anāhīta.”
[LUNA]: “I’m still sleepy for now... Have you found any more of those keys, Sanosuke-sama? I think carrying htese chains around all the time is what’s wearing me out.”
>>Previous entry flagged as critical-priority information. Automated warning sent to Administrator Sūra Anāhīta.
[RS]: “I don’t know, Kana-chan, but until we can get someone into that ghost brain of yours, it feels like we’re on the right track. Hikari-chan, think you could sweet talk your buddy into getting you a call with Sūra Anāhīta? Maybe we can explain how the Princess isn’t exactly working for her dad. Or if you can get that key yourself, even better.”
>>Previous entry flagged as high-priority information.
[OH]: “I was planning on taking it easy tonight anyway, so I’ll spend some time chatting with Askaeno-san [sic] and see if I can come up with anything!”
>>Log ends.
>>Please enter query.
>>New directive received. Orders acknowledged.