Kindom of Habria
The Kindom of Habria rules over the island of Habria and is home to such respected organisations like Habrian Honourable Society. The island's population vast majority is humans of the Habrian Honourables ethnicity. The Habrians are well known for their laissez-faire when discussing property rights, especially the rights of others. There have been voices calling them pirates, plunderers and even con-artists.
Every Habrian, as well as every well-educated individual from the lesser nations, will be able to tell you that those rumours and accusations are baseless and have been put into circulation by jealous Varlerian and Alteron traders because the Habrians, being such honourable tradesmen are so well-liked.
Shipsjarl Olge Freiarson in a small harbour tavern in Geron's Haven
Norse (Asgardian) but much more arrogant and truely in decline for some time.
People concentrate on the appearances and social conformity, honour rules and traditionalism incapacitate the realm politically and in many other areas. On the other hand curruption runs rampand.