From "Turian's inconsistencies. An argument for the creation theory"
Turian has, as any other place with various cultures and races quite some different systems to measure things.
Interestingly there is, however, a universal set of units as well. This set of units for measurement seems to be a secondary one everywhere but it is generally accepted and known on an almost instinctual level by all peoples.
As this phenomenon can be observed throughout all known species able of communication and need measuring for something, it indicates either a common source for these basic units of measurement or an external influence.
The basic unit of measurements:Length:
One Leguen is 7 Shoots,
one Shot takes 95 Strides,
one Stride has 8 Spans,
one Spann has 2 Hands,
one Hand has 10 Fingers
The basic unit of measurements:Volume:
one Jar is 2 Goblets,
one Goblet is 3 Mugs,
one Mug contains 7 Thumps
The basic unit of measurements:Weight:
one Quo has 250 Maris,
one Maris has 20 Hemiektos,
one Hemiektos equals 30 Saluteng
Quite interestingly, a Saluteng generally is used as the weight for one type of coin minted in Gold, whatever it may be called, in every country, nation or domain has a coin made of gold that weighs exactly one Saluteng. However, this coin is, most often not the basis of the currency system, it just exists.
It also is an interesting fact, that measurements below the smallest units are always made in local units only.
I will probably add in other measuring units of a more local character when and if I define countries more in depth, so please feel free to make up your own systems or units, this is just a universally implanted system.
You could of course also use the metric system or any other measurements you like.
I just included those for all the people who would like to have something fairly hard to understand or follow and most of all, completely random.
PS.: a Finger is one centimetre, a Thump is 2cl and a Saluteng is 16,66 grammes. Have fun calculating. It will drive you players nuts.