sexual dimorphism

Excerpt from Turian's inconsistencies. An argument for the creation theory.

"In the ongoing discussion about the origins of Turian and all in it, there has always been another mystery. It is a well-established fact that in a specific environment a specific lifeform will physically adapt to said environment. A well-established part of this adaptation is adapting to specific needs and tasks within a population. One such adaption can be, and very often is, sexual dimorphism. Sexual dimorphism is the condition where the sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics, particularly characteristics not directly involved in reproduction. There are very few examples of species that do not exhibit Sexual dimorphism in some form or another.

In Turian's intelligent species it can be observed that, regardless of whatever species we look at, there are exceptions to this dimorphism. There are a significant number of individuals within almost all observed populations who seem to break the boundaries.

For example, we can observe males with a rather female body, lacking muscle mass compared to the average male, not by lack of training but seemingly being unable to build up the "normal" amount. On the opposite end, we can see females lacking almost any of the physical attributes seen in their peers.

We have studied, in deep, a cow with bone and muscular disposition in concurrence with what would be expected in a bull. The only difference was found with the internal sexual organs. The same we have seen in many other species. Primarily the intelligent ones. It is, for example, a well-known fact, that some female humans are almost indistinguishable from males and vice versa.

While this could just be seen as a rare occurrence, a fluke of nature that we do not yet understand. It must be noted, that this fluke is not restricted to specific species but seems to occur in almost all of them. In addition, recent analysis has shown that such is not only restricted to the morphology but can be found in the psychological setup as well, not necessarily always in conjunction."

If you want to incorporate some rules/regulations representing that in your game look to Female & Male builds as a game "rule".


When we look at species that have a specific set of sexes, then the individuals belonging to those sexes have developed traits to optimize them for their role in the procreation of the species.
In humans, for example, we find that the average female body features a wider and broader pelvic bone than the male while the average male skeleton is of a heavier, bulkier build. The former adaptation is to ensure the survival of birthing offspring while the latter is to make more powerful muscles possible.

In general that results in a significant difference in physical ability to perform certain tasks or achieve various other things. i.e. a human male will not be able to differentiate between as many colours as a human female while being stronger than said female.
Sometimes however this "rule" is broken. There are individuals who are showcasing the traits of the sex they are not. Females with the build of a male and the respective possibilities and vice versa. However, said individuals will then lack the features of their biological sex group. For example, a female can and will survive pregnancy and birth family easily while a female with a male build is almost guaranteed to die. At least there has not been a single case of survival documented. And most times the offspring have not survived either.



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