The Wave

The wars that made up the 12th age, in which much of Turian was threatened, raided, invaded and occupied by forces from afar.
Some say, those creatures came from the other side of the world, some say they came from other places. Nobody really knows.

"After endless suffering and uncountable death finally people from all over Turian came together to talk about working against that never-ending wave.
And from amongst all the leaders, all the kings and queens, the patriarchs and matriarchs there was not a single voice that spoke "I step back, I give my troops so another can command." Not a single voice.
The leaders in the hall, bickered like small children without care for their domains, without respect for the nobles and peasants on the ranks of the hall.
When all seemed lost and all hope seemed gone, only then salvation came.
For the first time in ages the people heard the sweet command of old they heard that what was thought lost. The world heard HER VOICE again.
And all obeyed. When holy light fell on Rulian and Ruliandi. And they stepped forward from the ranks and claimed command by Turian's word."

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