Decay of a Pocket Realm

Last night, I asked AB what the name of the pocket dimension he's in was called. He said it didn't matter - it was a world long gone, only here as an afterimage to help us train. I complemented his poetry but he said it was actually the words of a Decayoid. That made a lot more sense, but then AB said he'd learn from the Decayoid so I said I'd look forward to it. I said I'd train more - but I wasn't allowed yet. He said he was sorry for making me so sick but what can we do? I just want him to come back healthy and strong one day.


The pocket dimension used to be a fully fledged realm of its own. However, after Forbidding and Transforming their world's physical and magical Laws, their world strated to crumble in on itself and the walls between realms were shattered. (I haven't heard the full story - the dreams keep cutting in and out but I think I've got enough for the summary.)
  Then a Guardian came and took the last few crumbs of their world and kept it in a pocket dimension for us Artifact Wielders to learn from the people there. So, what we do and learn there can't save their world, just ours.


There are parts of the pocket dimension that recreate the end of that world's stance. I saw a glimpse of it once - large curved solar punk architechture within bright green forestry. And then I've seen the monsters come up out of the red earth left behind. The monsters are bigger and fiercer then the sea monsters I've seen. The ones AB trains with are much smaller, closer to sea monster size, but he will have to fight the city-sized ones eventually. Only then can he finish training and leave the corrupted and decayed world in the pocket dimension.
  I heard someone whisper that they think the Guardian did a dodgy job in placing the world in here - the edge where the world recreates and loops through is smooshed up against the pocket dimension's ...wall?


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Aug 8, 2024 17:32

Interesting article. Definitely big changes going on with the environment! It's interesting that it seems to reflect a current conflict in the world.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.