
Yes, it is possible to fall asleep in a dream.
  Okay, technically I'm not even sure this comminication is still counted as a dream...
  But, boy oh boy was that explaination boring!
Desquine: A Metal
So the Decayoids in the pocket dimension have a certain metal they use to craft their Bubble Spears. This metal is called Desquine and it wasn't really used until their world started to collapse. That's when they either found the metal cause it was behind all the stuff now crumbling, or it was created from the crumbling world. (Yeah, that was the first time i fell asleep)
  But what I did hear is that it was definately used before their world became the pocket dimension through the Turtle Island Doorway. they had a lot more places to refine materials and created the first variation of the bubble spear. i know I fell asleep again, cause I asked the Decayoids how they could make a Bubble Spear and they got mad at me saying I hadn't listened. AB had to calm them down and then summarise about the Latency- Latenciacs- Laten... agh, the beings that were kinda like Mermaids but from their world. Land Mermaids. Landermer?? I can't remember what they were called. And they don't exist anymore, so the Decayoids aren't even sure they want to tell of their home peoples. "Who cares for the dead when the dead can't return?" said one. It might have something to do with that Decayoids can come back if they are killed in certain places of the pocket dimension.
(Mimi: This kinda makes me want to go through the door and record everything they say... Am i turning into Taegrin?)
(Taegrin: No. You're just finding your researching instincts.)

  Anyways, due to the changing landscape, their are places that have raw Desquine that can be mined. So AB will have to mine some himself for his Bubble Spear one day - it works better with a Mermaid's magic from the start apparently. I asked about a Naiad, but they just said that Mermaid works better as its closer to their Land Mermaids, just casue Naiads can water doesn't mean the same. I wonder if it's because Naiads are still tied to the Forest in Turien, whereas Mermaids are tied to the Ocean where the magic source spins and sea monsters are...
  But yeah, Desquine is important here as it was from the decaying environment, but doesn't decay itself. Or is resistant? A bunch of them want AB to mine metal for them as well, so I don't know if they are needing new spears, or just want to use ABs magic to try something new...


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