False Accusation

Okay, so, I know I've gotten a little bit enthused with the Dance Comp 5000.
(Taegrin: A little? i can hardly walk through the door it's filled with plushies! WHY ARE THERE PLUSHIES?)
(Mimi: STOP MOVING THEM - they're in their starting positoins for the Mid City regionals)
(Taegrin: That's gotta be more than one team)
(Mimi: Yeah! There's five so far)
(Taegrin: So far??)

  But there is a dance that's been bugging me.
(Jim: That Naiad v-tuber one?)
(Mimi: Yeah! the one i seen 10 times!)
(Taegrin: What, only 10? *sarcasm*)
(Jim: It only came out yesterday)
(Taegrin: wha... ??)

  So, they did this dance about a story of a document. About a false accusation of a Naiad. It was a wonderful tale, the ribbons they used as water was really fun. And then actual water was spashed across the stage and the v-tubers skated across it like ice, except its water, and there was romance and subterfuge and a giant robot dragon ate the princess of the flowers and babies were born seven times!
(Taegrin: ... That makes no sense)
(Jim: Yeah... their biggest fans were other Naiads)
(Taegrin: I see)

  Yeah, except. Well, that story ended with the Naiad that was initially accused of writing the document and bringing destruction on her hometown... well, I'm pretty sure it's wrong. I don't think the document was false. I mean, the destruction of the hometown and a giant robot weren't quite right. But, the author of the document was her...
(Taegrin: Don't tell me - is this about the Germaide?)
(Jim: Yep, she's been researching it all morning)
(Taegrin: Wow, working hard then... Wait, haven't we deemed the actual author was a Beast-kin jealous of the long life of a Naiad's flower?)

  While I was looking up things on the Artifact Sickness, and the Moongul food, and thiking about ome of the 'Great Romances' in the 'Cross- races section of the ... bookshelf... near home. I think I found something out. Now granted, they are Naiad stories, so I know you guys aren't going to listen to me - and I'm not hallucinating or anything either, okay?! Just cause I talk to AB in my dreams now isn't anything to bad me about, kay?!
(Jim: Calm down. Just enouugh so we can hear you, okay? We won't say anything until you tell us the whole story.)
(Taegrin: Yeah, plus you know I'm only going to refute anything that doesn't hold up against evidence- ow!)
(Jim: not helpful. Let's get snacks)
(Mimi: Stuff it in your face so I can tell the whole story that's not made up and found with evidence the whole way!)

  So, Naiads, as all Nymphs can, can form as their birth flower, or seed. For evidence i will show you now. See? Okay then. Now those magical pills you are taking insert magic into you, correct? The evidence is on that third pile over there, which you guys helped me put together. So, anyways, any peron who takes this has their magic increased, as said pile evidences -including Beast-kin, and specifically in this case, a Dragom-kin. Except, not actually - that this case is about a dragonkin, not that it doesn't work on them. But that pile does also specify that Warebeast-kin have the same reaction. And what else do we know about Warbeast-kin? Well, the pile over there - really it's a small list of references cause it's really just super old common knowledge by now, that Warbeast-kin were created as a Subgroup by the other Beast-kin groups - a perfectly interbred breed. With a large chunck of Dragon-kin.
  Everything is fine to here, right?   So, now the new stuff - new t me anyways. To us all, except there's evidence here. Here it is... um, no not that pile, ah behind the - no stop touching the plushies! yeah, tiptoe that way...
  That shows the tests of some magic injections on warbeast-kin to show that sometimes they're inner parts jump out a bit more than others. Say, like a dragon-kins total red might flow out more than the other beast-kin's patterened red? So, the dragon-kin in the story could be a warbeast-kin, not a dragon-kin.
  Now, why would it go mad? The pills you have were tested, as the experiemnts you just read were used to make better dosages, and so it wasn't the pills tat could do this, but the Moongul. Even though the document in question was created a hundred years after the pills were created - the dates are on the documents, the germicide document is on the PC, 5th tab - the Moongul may have been secretly still grown.
  Now, dont say anything! There's stories from Naiads about certain foods and rains after the pills were made that really only started then. They're on the 6th to 22nd tabs and the pils under Keppi's butt - actually dont touch that pile or Keppi will fall - but the starting point of the stories is important. And that the food is mentioed 'being found in a crevise thought to be a Dryad's secret best friend spot, but was actually just a forgotten Seedling's lunch... tab 17 examines the mould it created and thus why it was hard to see what was behind it.
(Taegrin: The Silverstar Mould Species X-2?)
(Jim: *covers T's mouth* we're listening....)

  *Glares, but that makes me hungry...* *Snacks while glaring*
  Yes, that's right. But tab 18 goes on to say that there was a purple fruit smeilling like a weird melon found. As that was a Naiad's story and not Reagin's obsession with weird dirt at the time, it didn't really get looked at.
  So, there's enough circumstantial evidence to show that maybe moongul fruit still existed and maybe a Warbeast-kin ate them and maybe their Dragon-kin DNA magic went wild and hurt some Naiads. ... i also have evidence to believe they are the Creft Family, so like, that's evidence enough that they're doing something shady by accident and no one cares enough to record it down, but what I did find is mixed with the chocolate wrappers over there.
  Which also means that the Naiad was from the Creft's Family. Agh - no wonder the story kept running around, cause the Crefts wanted to be famous, but she was trying to sell them out and used a differnt name! And then the Warbeast-kin ate the evidence for somedumb reason and everyone argued that the story wasn't written by the Naiad cause they thought the Naiad just wanted fame from a story about them leaving their family and the blame got put on the Beast-kin for trying to create a detective story as he was failing at his detective job. But he actually was trying to do his job, but was just really bad at it cause he ate all the evidence!
(Jim: That is an impressive amount of work you've done to uncover this)
(Taegrin: Yes, you should out this much effort into every report.)
(Mimi: ... I'm suddenly uninterested...)


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