Gardi's 5th Girlfriend

Gardi Meln is the most famous stage hand there is (ever, but specifically he is the top famed stage hand for Dance Comp 5000). He has red hair reminescent of a Dragon-kin (he might have some Beast-kin genes in him, but from, like, his great grandfather or something - he is Human as his parents are). He is seemingly nice and has a seductive aura about him.
(Taegrin: We don't need to know about this! Aren't you writing about his girlfriend anyways?)
(Mimi: I'm getting there! And aren't you always telling me to write more descriptions?)
(Jim: ... what makes him seductive?)
(Mimi: Um, his smile? He has pretty nice teeth. And his clothing style is always on point.)
(Jim: Clothes and smile I see)
(Taegrin: Why does that matter?)

  This is probably why he has had multiple relationships so far.
(Taegrin: Doesn't that make him a playboy or something? Who would want to stay with someone who you know is going to move on soon?)
(Mimi: You're talking to a half-Mermaid, remember?)
(Taegrin: No, you are very much Naiad expressing most of the time)
(Jim: So, do you think you'll take the relationship side of Mermaids then?)
(Mimi: Ah, maybe? I'm still young, who knows)
(Taegrin: Aren't you, like, 50?)
(Mimi: Aren't you an Elf? You live like, 2000 years? I'll live ... longer than that!)
(Taegrin: Still older than me!)
(Jim: ... As the only short-lived Race here, I'll go take a break and get snacks.)
(Mimi: Yes! I heard there's a Beast-kin specialties pop-up stand on Third Avenue.)
(Taegrin: How do you even hear about this stuff?)


The Fifth Girlfriend

Although Gardi is a stage hand for Dance Comp 5000, his first four girlfriends were not affiliated with the organisation. His fifth girlfriend, however, was a writer for a school group. And not one of the famous schools either - she comes from a school near the Farmlands with a very small population. I'm not even sure it was a registered school until recently.

(Taegrin: You could search it up. These are the places you need more detail - not just speculation!)
(Mimi: Yeah, yeah. That's not the important bit though!)
(Taegrin: It's a report! It's all important!)
(Mimi: Have you got better at summarising yet?)
(Taegrin: ... Just continue writing)

  So, her name is Milna Beane and this year is the third year her school has participated in the Dance Comp. Apparently she always wanted to particpate when she was in school, but never got the chance. So now she has made a way for other kids to dance.
(Taegrin: She could enter the adults category though?)
(Mimi: She a clutz)
(Taegriin: Like how you broke a cup earlier?)
(Mimi: I've never seen her without a broken bone)
(Taegrin: Oh...)

  She had always been whimsical and talked more than worked on her family's farm. She loved learning, but didn't get very good grades. the only projects she excelled in were story-based projects, so her teacher helped direct her that way.
  And that's how she ended up as a writer for Dance Comp 5000.
(Jim: I brought the specialty snacks)
(Mimi: YES!)
(Taegrin: Why is it important that Milna is Gardi's girlfriend anyways? Why not just write a report about her without him?)
(Mimi: Ah, she would still be unknown without him)
(Jim: So, how long do you think they'll stay together then?)
(Mimi: Oh, Gardi has already said he's planning on breaking up with her before the High School Finals.)
(Taegrin: Planning to? How will Milna take that?)
(Mimi: She said she's coming up with a perfect breakup plot for the Semi-finals. So, I really gotta be allowed to go out by then so I can go and watch their drama!)
(Mimi: The photo above is from her first Dance Comp while dating Gardi. Her clothing style definately changed after being with him)
by HeroForge
(Mimi: And here is Gardi for reference)
(Taegrin: Style huh? More like 'lack of clothing')
Character Portrait image: by HeroForge


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