Naiad Forbidding 352 Document in Turien | World Anvil

Naiad Forbidding 352

Jim Tipperwater is a Beastkin that hangs out with the Human Hero Steve. Magenta talked about him once, and then so did Taegrin, and then KLO-Lotus brought him to me. Apparently she had some other work to do so left me with him. But also, it has been advised that i stay woth Naiads and Mermaids the least out of everyone. It was okay at first, but it really really sucks now.
  How long have been staying in this room?
  Anyways, Jim was told to do what KLO-Lotus would do for me while she can't. So I asked him to buy me the special sweet bread from the University that sells out as soon as it comes out and that only comes out once a week. EVERY WEEK. ... He hasn't missed a week yet...
  Anyways, after the second time he successfully brought it, I asked him if he had seen any of the Forbiddings being done. He says he has, but even more important was that he has access to the special documentation room where all Forbiddings are documented. Although, there are a lot that are just vague descriptors and dates when a Forbidding happened and not what the Forbidding is. They are probably in, ah, that place...
  There haven't been as many about Naiads as other ones, but there were a few in particular that Jim brought me copies of. I'll write about this one, it seems prevalent.

Naiad Forbidding 352


Forbiddings are done to delete (or change) a law of the world from Turien. They have to be specific, and can be for a certain time or forever. Sometimes there are many Forbiddings on a single topic (for example, the Fairy Sky Weapons) as many instances are not thought of in the initial Forbidding. In the Fairy Sky Weapon instance, people tried to make as close as possible to the first weapon Forbidden and so many other Forbiddings to stop the next sets of sky shattering weapons were also made. Pretty sure Teagrin wrote about this when we had to research the Magic War or something... there was a Naiad there too. And the Mermaid Queen ran off with the Beastkin King's children.
Taegrin: That didn't happen. That isn't even the same story as what you came up with last time either.
This document, however, was to prevent Naiads from ingesting more than 1/100th of the magic they have within themselves that isn't their own.
Taegrin: Are you still not talking to me?
Even though the document was written cycles before the major artifact sickness incident, it is probably why the magic pills don't work on Naiads.
Taegrin: The Royal Elven Archives aren't just open to anybody, you know? If they were, I'm sure you would already been found running around them.
It would be good to cross reference this with other sources, maybe see why this Forbidding was made, or why other races didn't have this happen. Like Dryads. Why was it just Naiads and not all Nymphs? That is my question.
Taegrin: Look, I've been there. I might have found what you wanted, but I can't bring anything back.
I also question if we could make Spice pills and compare their taste to magic pills. Or are magic pills made with Spice? I would like to go see Sarah, but I still haven't got permission to see her yet. Even though she is making the pills for me, they only work so much. As this document entails, only 1/100th of what I can hold as Naiad magic is able to be utilised. Except that I am half-Mermaid so the pills actually work a little bit.
Taegrin: Okay, fine. You can clearly keep company with Jim whoever... I'll talk to my Mentor and bring back what you want. ... Just get better, okay?

Historical Details


So, after the document was made, there are a few things that have happened. Such as...  
Taegrin: I'm finally back - is she still working on the same document?
Jim: Just let her sleep
Taegrin: If she's asleep, why are you here?
Jim: Well then, why don't we both leave.
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