Silver Lining Character in Turien | World Anvil

Silver Lining

Mimi Lakes Homework

Mimi: Miss, I dont even go to the uni anymore - why are you giving me homework?
Lecturer: Do you not want to save your own life? And that of your friend, AB?
Mimi: So why did you call it homework then?

Training for the Artifacts

Guardians were once found all around Turien and they helped artifact holders attune to their artifacts. For any sister artifacts, only one had to go train while the other also got attuned at the same time. These seem to mostly be attachted to the Dorrways beneath the Badlads and the Turtle Island Doorway - which means they are mostly for artifacts used by Mermaids and Naiads. Which is AB and I.   As far as I can tell, not every Guardian will send an artifact holder to another pocket dimension like AB is in right now. Mostly these two aforementioned Doorways. The Dragonfish of Elves high nobility artifact holders, for example, don't own a pocket dimension, rather, the area they are in above the palace waterfall is sectioned off with extra magical barriers and things so that people who aren't called can't go inside. And most of the pocket dimensions are ... probably lost? Or just forgotten due to Forbiddings over the centuries. I can probably find more stuff in the Chronos - I should really go there next - but either way, there haven't been anyone who has gone through Guardian artifact training in a pocket dimension for a long long time.   So long that there are hardly any records. Though Forbiddings could also have been a cause of lack of records...   But we have one here. About a Naiad named Silver. I didn't know there were any Naiads named after metal? Aren't we all named after our Flower Seed or a water related name? Or something that sounds like it could be a plant or water name... Um, actually there are a bunch of random names we have. But I still haven't heard of a Copper for example....  
Lecturer: You haven't heard meanings of 'silver lining'?
Mimi: ????
Mimi: ...wait
Mimi: Oh
  So his name isn't just metal. I still think he would be better called Silver Lakes though. Even though there are like, 20 bazillion Naiads attached with the name 'Lake' ...   Silver was a Naiad with an artifact who went through Turtle Island Doorway to train to attune with his artifact. He didn't have a sister artifact, or rather, he did, but they both attuned to him and merged somewhat together so it was kind of like he only had one. But it was still two. I think. The records aren't super clear, there are a few blurry spots...   (Probably from Forbidding, but the only reason the whole record isn't Forbidden is because he had two artifacts that were paired that his situation didn't quite fit any of the Forbiddings enough to be Forbidden).   But he had to go through the pocket dimension and take training. He nearly didn't survive for multiple reasons, though the largest reason is that he had to attune to both the artifacts.   Still, he got out in the end. Somehow. After 20 years... double the time AB is meant to be in there... He came out.   He was changed. But still the same in parts, obviously, it was the same person who went in that came out. But he was, I think he became a Hero under the Council. No one had heard of him before, but his Naiad attributes were almost, pure? after he came out. Like, he was the best Naiad there could be ...   But it seems there was more to that. Before he went he had been having nightmares, ever since he acquired the first artifact. But now they were ... not nightmares? Not visions of the future or anything, but more like ... well it sounds like the twins not twins friend's thing where she can see other realms and walk them ... except Silver couldn't walk through them, just see them. In a dream. Um, it's more impressive when you know that it's rare for a Naiad to see another Realm. Like, Fairies are known to, but, it's probably that Nymphs would get lost playing elsewhere or something, right?  
Mimi: The words are getting real squiggly now... Um, Miss, does my writing look blurry to you now? Lecturer: Go rest.


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