The Bin Man

Cleaners of Turien University

Universities are sometimes very weird. And not 'we have our own Dance Comp 5000 tourist group' weird either. Although we do have that and I'm now a member and have evene been put in charge of teaching newcomers about the v-tubing category.
  Our uni calls all cleaners 'The Bin Man'. Out of respect. And it's seen as an achievement to have seen a cleaner - it's even listed on the 'University Scavenger Hunt' to have a photo with 'The Bin Man'. And it can't be a blur from the backside or anything - it has to be an actual both faces to the camera type photo.
  The Bin Man of this building told me that she and her cleaner colleagues have their own challenge - how many photos can they have taken with students? Although that is only a secondary challenge for all the cleaners that have been spotted once. Their real challenge is to never be spotted. Like, to the point of being the testers for stealth technology (magical or otherwise).
  Yeah, took me a few conversations before realising that they are basically the lowest level of the Knowledge Liasion System - anyone who couldn't be an officer could take the job of a Turien Universoty cleaner.
  And apparently its a really messy job, so they paid a lot. As well as being able to play with prototype tech. Especially as the Knowledge Liasion Headquarters are both in the University of Turien and part of the Council of Turien's headquarters above - there are a lot of magical messes that happen as well as the normal garbage disposal of a typical university. They were also the people who cleaned up after Magenta's setting the hall on fire.
  I'm glad i got through my KLO training ... although now I'm worried if I don't write enough reports I'll get demoted to The Bin Man. ... I'll probably get fired first though - I'm not that good at cleaning...


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