The Bubble Spear

The Bubble Spear is a spear of the Decayoids created by them and Mermaid trainees. Over the years, the Deacyoids, Mermaids and Naiads have upgraded and specialised the technology. (As this 'pocket dimension' is found through the Doorway under Turtle Island, only Mermaids and Naiads can really go there, cause the other Races would drown, that is why it's just Mermaid and Naiad magic within the Bubble Spear.) Bubble Spears are used to prevent and transform the decay of a world. This is also a task i will have to undergo (and possibly why I have a clearer connection with AB) - we are going to have to create our own versions of these spears for Turien. When there were more Artifact Wielders, not all of them had to create spears or other weapons. But now there are less so I have to be able to know the process as well, not just AB.  

How They Work

I've seen them a couple of times in my dreams - it's the weirdest type of long-distance call you'll get. Probably why I'm still sick (its sucks the energy out of you, I tell ya!) I've seen them used on monsters - pretty much like a normal spear (but with extra tech bits wrapped around it so the visual is a little off) with how thy are weilded. But then at the end of the monster's death, the spear is shoved into the monster, and the tech bits start to glow with the magic of Mermaids and Naiads. The tech of the Decayoids sucks up the corruption of the monster and when the monster is depleted (not black anymore) the spear stays glowing until taken to The Edge. Unlike Turien, this pocket dimension has edges like cliffs that go into nowhere. The red tint of the world just pools down below The Edge (like in a video game with no bottom). And the spears are then stabbed into the edge. Then - this is where it gets a little fuzzy, I haven't had a decent shot of what happens next. Something about bubbles though? It looks like the Decayoids are blowing bubbles from the magic inside the spears, but bubbles that form around the spear and continue down it till it gets to the Edge where the black corrution of the monsters is smooshed into the Edge. But its not corrupted anymore? Like, there's grass on The Edge and sometimes bushes. And the spears seem to turn the monsters back into the realm's physical material...
  It looks like it's going to be a lot of work to make that.


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