
Many cycles ago, there were only 5 Beast-kin subgroups:
  • Dragon-kin
  • Snake-kin
  • Rabbit-kin
  • Wolf-kin
  • Frog-kin
In an effort to try and create the strongest breed on Turien, the King of the Beast-kin started a breeding scheme. Basically, even though they didn't have the tech we have now, they still had their magic, so they would marry those of great strength of two subgroups and the strongest of their children would marry the strongest of other families. As the Council didn't step in (at least not in a way that's publically recorded) then it must have been done in a way that most people were happy. I mean, think about the Beast-kin: they probably were exstatic to marry the winners of multiple Strength Contests or something - they out of the races, are most vocal about their Racial values.
  That's the story we all know anyways. I've been talking to Magenta - and I'm allowed to go on this mission soon (basically as I won't have to meet anyone) - and I'm going to see the Harpies. Why? Because stories of Harpies don't start until just before stories of the Warbeast-kin begin. And even before Harpies, there was a lot about Beast-kin trying to create their 'greatest strength'.
  Also, cause this came up when I was thinking about the Birdhouse Library, why does the old, old records (even before any record of someone seeing into another Realm) have mention of birds?
  Another question: why has there always been six Beast-kin? There was 5 before the Warbeast-kin, but a lot of the records before then have been faded with Forbiddings. We know there's a missing story with the First Generation of Fairies that have been lost to history (most likely from Forbiddings, given their current non-existance) but could there be a similar story with the Beast-kin?
  Could Warbeast-kin really be new even? Or are they the success story after Harpies?
  But, the real question is, could the Warebeast-kin be replacing not just Harpies, but who they Harpies used to be? A flying creature with wings sounds very bird-like...
  Ah... I'm really turning into a researcher now...


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