Harpy Attack

Five days later (now week 5 of the journey), chanting music was heard throughout the camp. Barrett woke up the camp, concerned the music was not from a friendly source. Everybody in the camp began to feel dizzy (wisdom save to avoid charm). The party formed up in a ring around the campfire, with five of the caravan guards and Stubing failing their saves. Blink cast minor illusion and made a box appear around him.   Stubing and the five guards seemed to be compelled to run out from the camp and into the darkness...   Moments later, shouts of pain echoed through the air. Those that fled the camp were being attacked by some unknown enemy.   Blink's bat enabled him to see what was going on. In the first moment, one of the fighters was killed, and its attacker flew off with his body. The attackers were flying women, and there were seven in total that had attacked initially...and three more joined.   After a few seconds of fighting passed, the remaining four fighters outside of the wagon circle were killed. Only Stubing was left to fight outside of the wagons. While Aldrich, Quinn, and Blink did their best to fight a few of the harpies that had approached the wagons, Barrett ran off into the night to rescue Stubing. The guards within the wagon circle began to launch arrows into the darkness in hopes of bringing down their opponents.   Moments later, the party's tactics and arrows of the remaining fighters drove off the surviving harpies. In total, 3 harpies were killed and 7 were driven off. Seven fighters were killed and Stubing was injured.   The party's view of Stubing turned somewhat sour when the captain responded to the losses by stating that they would recruit more guards at the next town.

Body Count

3 Harpies   4 Fighters


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